Dec 3, 2023Liked by Aleks

Take care of your family Aleks, This is the most important in these troubled times. All my support from France.

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You are so right...

Merci beaucoup🙏

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Aleks

I perfectly understand your situation. If sometimes it takes me 30-45 minutes to build a coherent comment on an article (here and elsewhere) I cannot imagine the many hours that take building a real article (researching, finding media support, redacting it, etc.)

In my particular situation, I have many sources that are informing me (Moon of Alabama, Martianov, Big Serge, Simplicius76, etc.) that I may need to choose who to support given a limited budget.

By the way, a pertinent question: I'm sometimes afraid at using the credit card for paying support. Given that Western clamp down on free speech may strengthen, what do you recommend to use as an account to pay supports? Bitcoin? A savings account? A virtual wallet such as PayPal?

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Thank you Andres.

I mentioned recently your excellent comments. You should be writing a blog as well 😅 I'm serious on that:)

Well, you asked an extremely difficult question.

Since they have all of our data and activities anyway there is little difference I guess.

Because of that I use the most comfortable method... PayPal.

This is not a recommendation but only what I use.

I guess as long as you don't support any extremists (which we are not and never will be) there should never be a problem.

Thank you for your comments and contribution to the blog and all the best to you,


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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Aleks

Sounds very exciting, I wish you much success in your inspired plans. Your analyses and thinking should be the public domain. It balances the rabid attempts to manipulate people’s perception. I humbly thank you for this. Greetings from Bulgaria

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Thank you for that excellent feedback Ivan.

Greetings back to Bulgaria.

I've been often to Bulgaria and I like it very much👍

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Congratulations Aleks and wish you all the best from Africa!

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Thank you so much and I'm honoured to have readers from Africa as well👍

A beautiful continent.

Thank you.

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Aleks

Best wishes to you and your partner Aleks.

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Thank you so much Ludwig!

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Aleks

I wonder if you could use the buymeacoffee and reach a bunch more folks pocket book

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Thank you :)

Yes, that is fully planned on my new (re-engineered) substack page from April onwards.

And some more methods for donation.

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Aleks

Wow! Great to hear about the BMA changes and glad you’re prioritising family - they can be the greatest gift we give.

Looking forward to the energy that comes from this being a paid endeavour. Be curious to see how you fully connect the two, they could easily be see as disparate.

And you must have an amazing wife to be able to work this much!

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Thank you Jared.

And thanks for having a paid subscription.

I hope you will like the new content when it starts in April :)

(You can always contact me with feedback with regards to that paid content so that I can improve the experience).

My wife is impressive :) Thank you. But I guess she will have more from me, going forward. I will significantly reduce my workload. (Family first, as you pointed out)

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Aleks

Wonderful news about your coming child.

Go with your heart and reduce your free post to once a week or less. I can always wait for good news.

A child changes everything and you may need some sleep!

So glad to hear your view in the importance of keeping your blog free for the commons.

Diverse views is what you’ll find with this open door to us, the unknown.

To consider the unknown is a heathy perspective to live by.

Leave time for it.

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Aleks

You have much to say. Your work is instrumental in shaping my world view. I look forward to your future work, and will continue to pay the nominal subscription fee. Best wishes for your family.

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Thank you Chris👍🙏

I appreciate the nice words.

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Congratulations upon your second blessed child! Looking forward to the changes.

Cheers from Cheyenne!

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Thank you so much 🙏👍

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I hope this works out for you.

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Me too 😅

Thank you:))

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Aleks

First of all, congrats to you both! And glad to hear of your journalistic and professional plans!

Perhaps take into consideration, that if your publication achieves enough success to be a meaningful source of income, it may be harder to maintain your privacy, if that is important.

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Well... I have the same thoughts...

We will see how it will play out...

But yes, you're right.

Thank you for the congratulations🙏

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Aleks

I particularly appreciate BMA's steady voices (even the alternative, essential ones, sometimes give off a certain stridency that obscures the content or distorts it somewhat, this is not the case at BMA). I'll gladly contribute what I can. Greetings and congratulations from Northern Quebec!

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That's very nice to hear. Thank you so much 🙏

Greetings back to Canada 👍

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Aleks


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Thanks 🙏

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Aleks

Well done Aleks...always enjoy your writing so I will definitely be contributing further if you develop subscriptions etc....

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Thank you so much. I'm glad to hear to have your support going forward 🙏

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ALEKS- My mistake. I'm interested in seeing your project develop as you've described, but I voted by mistake since I am too old and lack a couple of the skills you are seeking.

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No worries, Ed :)

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