Thanks for you excellent article. It's well constructed and coherent and abridges very well the control mechanisms that operate on the societies.

I just want to add two things:

1) There is an article that Pepe Escobar posted in Telegram (I guess by Alastair Crooke) that adds more elements to the 10 points mentioned above (I cannot find it now). He underlined the importance of fear in manipulating people. For instance, Crooke mentioned that the COVID lockouts were facilitated in Europe thanks to the "collective unconsciousness" remaining in the European population related to past plagues (the Black Plague, for instance, or the Spaniard Fever).

Another element that helps subyugate people under a centralized command is the acute need of a sensation of "mutual protection" inside a community given that previous traumatic historical events instilled the feeling that external enemies are always ready to exterminate a given nation or race. Wars such as the 30 Years in the 1600s help cement these irrational anti-Russian moves.

2) Regarding the "family dissolution values", and having lived in North America for more than 20 years, I find your argument about the need to push women to the workforce valid but not the only one that explains the fenomenum.

There is also a significant contribution to what could be called "unharmful social transformations" which help to deflect the class struggle that follows the natural degradation of the general standard of living due to wealth concentration of advanced capitalist societies. What I mean is that the elites resort to allowing or pushing minorities demands (acceptance of homosexuals, encouraging the fight for women or visible minorities rights) as a way to alleviate the feeling in the general population that "we are worse off and nothing changes". By waiving a LGTB flag and promoting such "progresist" ideal, it helps to create a false perception of "we are a socierty inclusive for everybody" thus avoiding the strenghtening of unions and popular movements that could really dispute wealth distribution through nationalizations and other anti-elite measures.

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It is also described as identity politics, or the "You are Unique" motto. It aims to divide people to the most possible extent, exploring every big or little difference of them. In the end, you must feel and be a small minority and so much "different" from the others, claiming of course your rights - where else - on the social media.

In the end you end up isolated and you must come to the conclusion that everybody else in the society is your enemy, who are against your "rights" - Remember the Big bitch - "There is no society" . And since there is no society, everybody must fight on their own. And that means of course that elites will win the game

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Only those end up isolated who have fallen prey to the gospel of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - THE CULT OF EVE/THE CULT OF MATERIALISTS - letting LUCIFER define their "identity", i.e. accepting one of the offered fake material identities as their own, instead of letting GOD ALMIGHTY perfect them in their TRUE IDENTITY THE WAY HE HAS CREATED THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE.


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"Remember the Big bitch - "There is no society" . And since there is no society, everybody must fight on their own. And that means of course that elites will win the game"

Exactly, that mindset was one of the biggest "achievements" of Maggie.

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" By waiving a LGTB flag and promoting such "progresist" ideal, it helps to create a false perception of "we are a socierty inclusive for everybody" thus avoiding the strenghtening of unions and popular movements that could really dispute wealth distribution through nationalizations and other anti-elite measures." ... and this is out of necessity, as even the disciples of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN cannot get rid of GOD ALMIGHTY - especially if they have used twisted versions of HIS WORD to promote THE DEVIL'S AGENDA - and as they have been lying so much to themselves and others they find it more than convenient to use "the easy (VERY COSTLY) way" out that you have described.

Nevertheless it is anything but useful to complain about others as the beam in our own eye is more than enough to worry about!

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Excellent. Written by someone from a nonaligned country, who experienced both communism as well as free market western oriented society. Basic for further discussions.

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And yet another great article. Have you considered compiling your excellent articles into a book (I'd buy several), or at least an archive after you're done (i.e. The Saker)?

Personally, I've not purposefully consumed anything spewed by the MSM since 2011. Around the time of Snowden's revaluations and the truth about post-9/11 America came into view, for those looking. I was taken aback by what media mogul Ted Turner wrote after he sold CNN. Basically he stated that the "news," became whatever gathered the most eyeballs. Meaning it changed from reporting facts, granted interpreted by the editors (CIA, etc.) , to what would increase the "value," (profitability) of said company. Shortly thereafter, the consolidation of media outlets went into hyperdrive; followed by the common themes presented. BTW, I'm glad you mentioned Operation Mockingbird. Truly the death of the "news."

As far as religion, you're spot on. Tithing and adherence to the church's policies ensured you ascension to heaven; while enriching said church. That changed, slowly, after the Gutenberg Press was invented. Religion has truly been overtaken by social media and their echo chambers. Personally, I've not been to a church service, aside from weddings and funerals, in 20 years. For me it was the constant begging for money that turned me off. And now the pushing of the "woke agenda," will keep me away. I've read the Bible, and have many other similar religious book in queue. Church is wherever you are, God's Ear is always there.

Social media, email, and our personal spy devices. In the US, Snowden and others have identified a data storage and processing center in Utah. All electronic media are kept there and cataloged for future action by the powers that be. It's supposedly unlawful in the US to monitor and store domestic communications. However, when said communications are routed through the servers in another country (Qatar for the US, I think), then those communications are no longer considered domestic. Legal, but unethical to say the least. The government in the US is corrupt, no matter which Republicrat is in charge. With the rise of multipolarity, the emperor will be shown without clothes. Try not to think of a naked Biden 😀

Cheers from Cheyenne!

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There are still some very good Catholic priests. They have giant targets on their back though. All of them are pretty good on this page. These two in particular I followed through covid. Really good men here. Have a listen to couple of vids.



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The below alliances were set up to enable going after a citizen via a 3rd country. Laws have no meaning in these countries.

The number of eyes in each alliance refers to the number of countries involved. Here’s a list of the countries in each alliance:

• Five Eyes countries: US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia.

• Nine Eyes countries: US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Norway.

• Fourteen Eyes countries: US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, Spain.

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Thank you for the morning read. I am not in mourning, as the simulation game carries on. Nope. The snow is falling, gently…it is….QUIET. Such a privilege to have solace and solitude. Love ALL, trust few, always row your own canoe. As I sing the bones home, I remember my essence as pure Christ Consciousness. Formless, timeless. Pray tell, as the collective re-members their (they are, sovereign) birthright, perhaps more will join me…in the Spiritual Revolution. Find your way, hOMe.🧡🔥🧡

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Brilliant. One good deed that you wrote it. Reminded me of Chomsky, somehow. I will share it.

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From a purely secular framing of things religion still can be a good even to atheists. It serves as a separate power center from government and provides a means of handing down moral codes for a proper civilization over different generations. Of course it can be taken over by powerful governments and corrupted but it would be very hard for a government to change the texts. The first commandment in particular is a stake through the heart of governments everywhere. The essential meaning of the 1st commandment being are you going to follow the rule of the God or the rule of man? In my opinion the current elite of the West seem to openly despise religion and want to crush it. This is one of their weaknesses in my opinion. They don't think they need to manipulate it anymore. They would rather have the people openly worship them instead. They do indeed want to be the earthly gods. It has made their arrogance (particularly men like Gates and Schwab) more transparent to people.

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" But there is this 1% (made up number) of a religion’s dogma that is being used for “inception”, to put some political idea in your head under cover of religious dogma that the rulers want you to believe. Unfortunately, over the history of religions, this 1% led to disastrous wars and crimes against humanity." ... which is exactly what THE LORD JESUS CHRIST was IMHO referring to when HE spoke about THE PRINCE OF THIS WORLD is already "running amok", which is why HE needed to go back to HIS FATHER first before returning at THE END OF TIMES ... which at this moment we might be at the threshold to ...

THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN was always part and parcel of GOD ALMIGHTY'S EQUATION to bring about HIS KINGDOM!

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In my believe religion is also part of the game….

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Oh boy!!! you definitely strike a nerve here, if you had touch LBGTQ+++ propaganda/mental issue, you will be banned from google, and branded a "disturbance of the peace", brace yourself!!, I will need to write a very long comment for your article, I'll try to be concise. first on religion institutionalize religion is the problem, the religion structure with a hierarchy, at the end they never do what they say they do which is spreading the word of god (a very good paper by the name of "Systemantics : how systems work and especially how they fail" explain this in a very empirical manner, applicable to every system). second the media is so funny how every concebible "western"(men I hate this name) media say exactly the same with small variations, even with the same words, is so funny people buy it like candy at a school's door, they speak in slogans, very small words that people can learn and repeat but actually don't know how to explain like the "un-provoque war of aggression", every war is aggressive by nature, is war!!!, but you need to be redundant for the masses dealing with high inflation, mortgages and loosing jobs to know who is attacking who and who is "aggressive". third the independence of country, I'll say that on this planet there is only a handful of countries that can proudly say they had some sort of independence (I don't think a country is 100% independent you always need some one), all of them has been under some sort of bully and or intimidation by the usa, all of them had sanctions on them, and the price has been very high to presented them self with some dignity.

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PS: It was hilarious to read your struggle to explain relational data bases and data collections. well done!!

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Hi Aleks, marvelous article!

Although I completely concurr with your analysis, I have two huge point of disagreement with you:

1. It is false that a "colonized" country cannot pursue it's national interest: e.g. Germany did a wonderful job in pursuing it's national interest thanks the "poor occupied Germany" psyop, i.e. the whole idea of the €U as a GAE tool against Europe; Germany in fact pursued its List-ian national policy AGAINST the USA, that was against both NS1&2 AND €, that is a consuption-sinkhole for the global economy that the USA attacked THRICE (in 1992, with Dieselgate and with the war in Ukraine); that Germany lost against GAE is not an argument that it never tried.

2. It is false that propaganda must be "credible" to work: unanimity works even better (e.g. COVID Plandemic and CoVax Chernobyl-tier disaster) because it demoralize the "loser" with its utter stupidity - i.e. "how can they possible beat us with such nonsense".

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«And so on. Germany just decided to kill itself, which is truly fascinating. Scholz travelled to Washington to personally pick up Germany’s new orders and the new Media slogan: “If China delivers weapons to Russia, we will punish China.” [...] Germany is critically dependent on China. Essentially, Scholz went to Washington to receive his new orders, a rope and a pistol.»

This is the usual silly argument that the german ruling elites are just stupid or sellouts, and if they were not they could just say NO! to the USA ruling elites and be independent.

Actually the european nations in particular Germany have some big problems:

* They are big net importers of fuels and barely self-sufficient in cereals, and the latter only because they use a lot of imported fuel to make fertilizer.

* The USA have huge networks of fifth-columnists in the european elites, and are skilled at doing regime-change operations.

* Many european states depend critically on exports to the USA markets, and the USA open their markets only to loyal vassals (something that the PRC elites did not quite understand).

So the european elites are rationally choosing the lesser evil: their choice is not between boycotting RF and PRC, or not boycotting them out of stupidity or loyalty to the USA, but between boycotting RF and PRC, or being boycotted by the USA, having their fuel and cereal supply lines closed by the USA, and being targeted by USA regime-change operations.

The RF and PRC are not as important as exports markets to them as the USA and their other vassals, cannot replace the USA as suppliers of fuels and cereals, and the RF and PRC do not have the deep capability of the USA state to do regime-change operations.

In an ideal world the european states would be trading freely with both USA and PRC/RF, and play one against the other to maximize their "independence", but the USA have decided that is not allowed, and the PRC/RF must be again be a "second world" contained and isolated behind a new "iron curtain".

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«Especially, I wanted to highlight that the West never left the colonial age. It has only become a master in concealing the fact that a country is a colony against its citizens. It goes for Europe as well as for Africa and many more places besides.»

That seems to me a superficial impression, because there are various degrees of vassalage to an imperial state, and "colony" is just one, where the imperial state is sovereign in the colony, in both foreign and domestic matters, and replaces the local ruling class. The other arrangement is "suzerainty", where the imperial power controls foreign policy and steers some domestic policy, more or less discreetly, but lets the local ruling class in power for most domestic matters.

Most empires in history were both colonial and suzerain, e.g. in India the english empire had some areas under colonial control, but equally vast areas under suzerain control, but the popular imagination is that all empires are colonial all the way. The roman and spanish empires also had a mixture of colonial and suzerain, even if they were mostly colonial.

The USA empire is mostly suzerain rather than mostly colonial, because the USA ruling class have found it is cheaper for commercial purposes to exercise suzerainty instead of full sovereignty over their vassals, usually through "representative democracy" (e.g. Korea-south), but sometimes through "our bastards" (e.g. Saudi).

The USA empire ruling class has three major attitudes to states both inside the USA and outside the USA:

* Developed but resource poor: loose suzerain control by "sponsoring" their "representative democracy", and controlling their supplies of resources.

* Backward and resource rich: tight suzerain control by "sponsoring" ruthless tyrants, "our bastards".

* Backward and resource poor: "shitholes" they are not much interested in, with some very limited "suzerain" influence.

The issue for most states is not the delusion of "sovereignty", which is a function of power, which mostly they don't have enough of to be independent of imperial states, but of negotiating within permitted limits with the imperial power how much vassalage they need to submit to. There is some latitude as to that.

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Interesting article, and realistic, but too optimistic and too cynical at the same time.

The biggest optimism is the implicit argument that it is possible to imagine not-empire. But the lot of states is either to be empires, to be vassals of empires, or to be irrelevant The second most obvious is that even imperial states are themselves subject to empire: the USA for example is an empire itself, most of it is vassal states or irrelevant ones.

My guess is that it is better to look at the divide between master classes and servant classes *before* looking at that between imperial states and vassal states.

«Highlight democracy. Discredit the rule of law that keeps democracy away from doing its job.»

That is the tactic for despotic states. In merely authoritarian ones instead what is highlighted is *representative* democracy, because representatives are easy to rent or purchase:


And the rule of law is enforced, because the rented or purchased representatives enact the laws (and the loopholes) that their "sponsors" have written. In a mafia state some "big cheese" when he was arrested for extensive bribery said to the prosecutors not to bother to check whether he had violates any other laws, because he had not as they were all written for his own benefit.

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Thank you Alex. Concise and to the point, as always. I do agree about the Jews.

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Oh Aleks, you have outdone yourself! This is very lonnnnnnnnng and very gooooooood! I am going to have to re-read it a couple of times. It's a rainy day here in Japan and my ASD is distracting me. Bu this is one of those articles that deserves some serious thought. Please keep up your writing!

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....Germany, for example, had succeeded in establishing political and financial control over the continent through the European Union.....

The ECB was set up by the University of Chicago with clear instructions from the CIA/Treasury/FED.

The same way the Harvard University reorganized the Russian economy under Boris Yeltsin in the 90s.

The plan was clear: Destroy Europe using Germany and destroy Russia once and for all. Russia was destroyed but Putin woke up fast and learned the lesson. I hope the Germans wake up soon!

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