The purpose of wars is not necessarily outright victory as we are taught. The goal can be to change the balance of forces. Many people think the Nazis lost WW2 but they didn't. Not if you think of the 'Nazis' as the elites that funded the Nazis and pointed them at the USSR. They first deciided to betray their funders (US/U/K) but eventua…
The purpose of wars is not necessarily outright victory as we are taught. The goal can be to change the balance of forces. Many people think the Nazis lost WW2 but they didn't. Not if you think of the 'Nazis' as the elites that funded the Nazis and pointed them at the USSR. They first deciided to betray their funders (US/U/K) but eventually they turned East and inflicted enough damage on the USSR and killed enough important leaders that revisionist appeaser Khrushchev was able to take over and rot the USSR from inside. Same story for Vietnam. US did enough damage that sanctions could asphyxiate the nation post-war and force it to make market reforms, allowing capital accumulation by a bourgeoisie class which would serve as an internal ally to the US. The war against Russia and the coming war against China will provide similar opportunities to combine external pressure with internal sabotage. The Western rich don't want to destroy Russia/China. They just want to be able to export their capital there and control production.
Very good observation and articulation of the dynamics how THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN operates ... HEGELIAN DIALECTIC in its purest expression. And the hapless MASSES usually fall for it believing in the "cause"/LIE (as others have perfectly expressed/analysed in this thread already)... which is why the country leaders having seen "through" this tactic, of other factions of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN, are trying to "protect" their country/asses by putting laws in place to prevent "colour revolutions", latter being nothing but steered up emotional wrecks - alá GRETA THE DELUDED - trying to get a piece of the action, while pretending to fight for a just cause - I call it THE GREAT DELUSION. As NO-ONE would be able to convince them otherwise with logic, as the truism states "you cannot convince someone of the opposite by logic, if he got into the current conviction by emotions alone". There have even been breeding "experiments" on a monumental scale (anyone interested in further exploration of this topic please consult Fritz Springmeier) trying to instil emotional triggers in order to control them. It is just mind-blowing what THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN is ready to apply to get its way.
Aforementioned leaders are in for a rude awakening as they are equally bound to GOD ALMIGHTY'S LAW OF ETERNAL LIFE which prevents ANY HUMAN MIND - no matter what the technology or control mechanism applied is - to get CONTROL over ANYTHING that pertains to GOD ALMIGHTY ALONE - ALL CREATION!
The purpose of wars is not necessarily outright victory as we are taught. The goal can be to change the balance of forces. Many people think the Nazis lost WW2 but they didn't. Not if you think of the 'Nazis' as the elites that funded the Nazis and pointed them at the USSR. They first deciided to betray their funders (US/U/K) but eventually they turned East and inflicted enough damage on the USSR and killed enough important leaders that revisionist appeaser Khrushchev was able to take over and rot the USSR from inside. Same story for Vietnam. US did enough damage that sanctions could asphyxiate the nation post-war and force it to make market reforms, allowing capital accumulation by a bourgeoisie class which would serve as an internal ally to the US. The war against Russia and the coming war against China will provide similar opportunities to combine external pressure with internal sabotage. The Western rich don't want to destroy Russia/China. They just want to be able to export their capital there and control production.
Very good observation and articulation of the dynamics how THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN operates ... HEGELIAN DIALECTIC in its purest expression. And the hapless MASSES usually fall for it believing in the "cause"/LIE (as others have perfectly expressed/analysed in this thread already)... which is why the country leaders having seen "through" this tactic, of other factions of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN, are trying to "protect" their country/asses by putting laws in place to prevent "colour revolutions", latter being nothing but steered up emotional wrecks - alá GRETA THE DELUDED - trying to get a piece of the action, while pretending to fight for a just cause - I call it THE GREAT DELUSION. As NO-ONE would be able to convince them otherwise with logic, as the truism states "you cannot convince someone of the opposite by logic, if he got into the current conviction by emotions alone". There have even been breeding "experiments" on a monumental scale (anyone interested in further exploration of this topic please consult Fritz Springmeier) trying to instil emotional triggers in order to control them. It is just mind-blowing what THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN is ready to apply to get its way.
Aforementioned leaders are in for a rude awakening as they are equally bound to GOD ALMIGHTY'S LAW OF ETERNAL LIFE which prevents ANY HUMAN MIND - no matter what the technology or control mechanism applied is - to get CONTROL over ANYTHING that pertains to GOD ALMIGHTY ALONE - ALL CREATION!