I would gladly accept your invitation to share with whomever might come across any of the thoughts leaving my mind.
I am not entirely sure about what destination was meant in my comment, but as far as I am able to recollect my understanding it is hinting towards something beyond man's understanding.
I would gladly accept your invitation to share with whomever might come across any of the thoughts leaving my mind.
I am not entirely sure about what destination was meant in my comment, but as far as I am able to recollect my understanding it is hinting towards something beyond man's understanding.
Which - as anything I might utter - doesn't mean that there is any specific destination - in the usual sense of the word - to travel towards, apart from traveling by THE TRUTH. Especially towards oneself.
Moreover, I take it as a hint what you wrote about 2008 being an inflection point, finding the courage - taking the time - to look deeper or closer to what it is what THE MAJORITY pretends to know about REALITY in all its facets, that sometimes it needs a push from above to go down a path one already knew is the right one, but it looked to dark and thereby uncomfortable - mentally, THE HUMAN MIND likes bubbles - to travel down such a rabbit hole.
Paying attention to the "economic" system is certainly not a bad place to start this journey. Nevertheless it might be a bit intimidating for THE MAJORITY as it is overwhelmingly complex.
Which means the intellectual set up of each of GOD ALMIGHTY'S CREATIONS limit the number of individuals even able to get a grasp on so many even tiny aspects of the whole SUPERSTRUCTURE one can only call GOD ALMIGHTY'S CREATION.
One more thing, grasp - intuition might be another word for it - is a real good description of how I have come across the most astounding "insights" of what is actually going on, once the VEIL OF self-DECEPTION has been lifted from THE HUMAN MIND. Staying humble and truthful, by not fearing hardship, ridicule, and giving up on comfort - mental above all - THE LIGHT comes as it looks for humble pure hearts.
Let me know what is on your mind and heart by firing away!
I would gladly accept your invitation to share with whomever might come across any of the thoughts leaving my mind.
I am not entirely sure about what destination was meant in my comment, but as far as I am able to recollect my understanding it is hinting towards something beyond man's understanding.
Which - as anything I might utter - doesn't mean that there is any specific destination - in the usual sense of the word - to travel towards, apart from traveling by THE TRUTH. Especially towards oneself.
Moreover, I take it as a hint what you wrote about 2008 being an inflection point, finding the courage - taking the time - to look deeper or closer to what it is what THE MAJORITY pretends to know about REALITY in all its facets, that sometimes it needs a push from above to go down a path one already knew is the right one, but it looked to dark and thereby uncomfortable - mentally, THE HUMAN MIND likes bubbles - to travel down such a rabbit hole.
Paying attention to the "economic" system is certainly not a bad place to start this journey. Nevertheless it might be a bit intimidating for THE MAJORITY as it is overwhelmingly complex.
Which means the intellectual set up of each of GOD ALMIGHTY'S CREATIONS limit the number of individuals even able to get a grasp on so many even tiny aspects of the whole SUPERSTRUCTURE one can only call GOD ALMIGHTY'S CREATION.
One more thing, grasp - intuition might be another word for it - is a real good description of how I have come across the most astounding "insights" of what is actually going on, once the VEIL OF self-DECEPTION has been lifted from THE HUMAN MIND. Staying humble and truthful, by not fearing hardship, ridicule, and giving up on comfort - mental above all - THE LIGHT comes as it looks for humble pure hearts.
Let me know what is on your mind and heart by firing away!