Thank you Aleks You're Doing A Great Job👍🏼

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Thank you Juan my friend. As always 😊👍

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Excellent interview. I'd like to weigh in on the question regarding depleted uranium munitions. Scott is correct that the radioactivity of DU is relatively low. Of course, more DU means more radioactivity, so the radioactivity can't be completely discounted, but to concentrate on the radiotoxicity of DU is to miss the main problem. It's a heavy metal and heavy metals, in sufficient concentration in the human body, have known health effects. I have not read enough studies to be able to state whether there is clear causation or how much is deleterious to human health, but the clusters of disease in places of high DU munition use (Fallujah in particular) should give anyone pause.

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Wow, lots of great questions from both! Nice to hear your voice, Aleks. Great video, that I've shared with many.

Cheers from Cheyenne.

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Thank you for your question. I hope you heard that it was asked and answered :)

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I did, thank you for posing the question. My mind couldn't think straight, trying to generate a question for someone of your intellect to ask someone of his military depth. Onward!!

Cheers from Cheyenne!

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Aleks, what's your take on Scott Ritter's assessment that the current Russian army is probably too stretched to hold the land bridge to Hungary?

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I think he is 100% right.

And it is fully consistent with my former analysis.

I described it in detail here:


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You deserve more comments.

An informative interview and the end draws near.


Could also interest you . . . https://les7eb.substack.com/p/washingtons-war-ix-one-great-game

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You have also an interesting blog.

Thanks for sharing!

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Feel free to sign up Aleks.

Always free.

One essay every two months, give or take . . .

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ta pedofilcina je provela par godina u zatvoru

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Jesi čitao ovo?


Scott se angažovao protiv rata u Iraku i otvoreno se borio protiv Bajdena.

Dali je stvarno pedofil ili ne, ne možemo znati.

Kako vidim pokušali su da ga uklone iz javnosti i da mu unište reputaciju.

Tako da neverjem u to sto kažu.

Jako dobro je opisanu pod linku sto sam gore ostavio kako tako nešto funkcioniše.

Dakle, neverjem u to da je Scott to uradio šta kažu. Ali ko može znati.

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Postoji puno Amerikanaca koji govore protiv US politike pa ne zavrse u zatvoru zbog :

"unlawful contact with a minor, criminal use of a communications facility, corruption of minors, indecent exposure"

Nije mu to ni prvi put. Nesto s tim likom nije u redu.

Sto se tice njegovih "analiza", pa lik je konstantno u krivu. I on i MCGregor jos od proslog proljeca, iz dana u dan, stalno najavljuju okruzenje i raspad Ukraijnske vojske. Nis se od toga nije dogodilo. Ukrajinci su jos u predgradju Donetska.

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