all well and good.. but as Russia has already said the yanks are agreement incapable.

and the polyticks in other countries are ownef by the yanks and will sell out their own people. Predictions will be hard to work out as too much greed and stupidity

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Thanks Alex. I’ve re-read this piece a few times now.

One question still comes back: why did / does Europe go along with the American plan when it could turn out really damaging to them? Why don’t they say no?

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Thanks! Even now in 2024 it explains a lot! After the bulling of Trump and the retirement of Merkel the EU was so weak that Biden takes control easy, I think? T

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I dont believe that Russia is holding back or deliberatly extending the conflict.

Russia thought they would get a settlement in the first couple of months. Ukraine unexpectedly decided on self suicide. Russia simply didnt have have enough troops to defeat Ukraine, now backed with western weapons. Extending the war has made Russia look weak, encouraged escalation and increased death & destruction.

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