War economy is impossible in the EU: countries in recession or with no growth(stats are faked),very high debts, interest rates going up again, inflation soon, oil price due mea crisis, no manpower, I mean skilled one. Salaries, social costs much higher than in Russia or even in the US. England(UK) is collapsing(debts, unemployment..) though even less. Don't forget that if WWIII is really in the pipeline, China will be forced to help otherwise they are the next to fall and final US target.Helping and investing on Russia victory is now a MUST for XI (meeting at highest level in May, VVP going to Beijing like the famous meeting during Chinese Olympics in feb 22, before smo was started).For sure to get green light for something big after.

Mobilisation in Europe, sorry but will not happen with the woke crowd, suddenly they will cancel their ukr flag on their FB profile.I don't know one single person who is going to die for Zelensky here in my country (nato + EU capital), zero motivation, life is too confortable, even private elites are against(don't want to lose their fat profits or risk death of destruction even of infras).

Only politicos, and not all in Western EU and corrupted journos are full on WWIII, but it is more P R than reality, armchairs wardlords.

People have just enough of Ukraine 24/7 for two years. Holidays, euro foot in Germany then Olympics in Paris (but in various other big cities, even in ..Tahiti).Then will rapidly reach autumn with the return of rain.

Energy prices are very high, some people can only eat once a day now, not sure they will support this much longer. Bastille day 1789 happened as 'le peuple' did not have even bread anymore to eat.

No need for millions to revolt for regime change, Bastille was taken by a few thousands or even less motivated people with nothing to lose.

It may happen in Napoleonmacron country remember yellow vests.

Won't happen in protestants countries not their mentality.

In summary except a few nazis or crazies will go to ukraine to fight(or try), but Official military may well be forced to go, but with which weapons, ammo? Motivation will be near zero as it is not the business of defending your own country as it is for Ukrainians and Russians.

Many small and medium EU countries have very little army, no more weapons or very little.

Muslim population in EU will not go to fight, they came to Europe for a better life not to die for Blackrock, Macron, Zelensky or even less for VDleyen and co..

But one advice for RU it is time now to stop allowing all red lines to be crossed. West only understand force otherwise they take it for weakness.

And another item is, don't forget the satanists Net and yahoo clique ready for even much more stupid things with their armageddon govt looking for the 'temple' and their 'messaiah'...eventhough Iran is a hard take, the only muslim country which defends Gaza( Houthis as well).WWIII may start there with totaly irationnal people in power.

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Yes, the real nuclear option for Russia and her allies is not a bomb. It is financial. By re-valuing gold significantly upwards to more realistic levels, Russia and China could destroy the dollar and, with it, America's ability to wage war and bully the rest of the planet.

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Destroying the dollar, on which "your" - THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - charade depends on ... is nothing short of suicidal and VVP & Co. are more than capable to understand that. Sending the world into a tailspin is surely not "helpful" to any of the participants of THE SELF-DELUSION to keep it going - to keep the smoke and mirrors alive/the house of cards upright.

What BMA & Co. are analysing is the upper layer of the froth on top of a "million miles" deep ocean of HELL! THE MAJORITY is simply so mesmerized by its own PRIDE to admit it. Exactly as all the participants, which these analysis's refer to, that obviously successfully pretend to be in charge - as they truly have convinced themselves about their role in history without consulting their CREATOR first - which they are not, but mere puppets in the hand of GOD ALMIGHTY!

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what do you mean by:

Destroying the dollar, on which "your" - THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - charade depends on ... is nothing short of suicidal ?

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Have you ever heard of the expression HOUSE OF LIES/CARDS? ... that's the closest analogy I can come up right now.


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suicidal for who? If for RU, what is the reason ?

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Your mind is caught up in the petty (fact, not to demean you) games allowed by GOD ALMIGHTY to be planted by THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN/MONEY/HALF-TRUTHS/LIES in the world ... which is why your mind is perceiving REALITY in terms of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Russia/US - which it is absolutely NOT. IT IS SO MUCH BIGGER - GOD ALMIGHTY'S WISDOM MIGHT GRACE AND PURPOSE is so much bigger than anything what HIS CREATION - man's mind - will ever be able to perceive, unless it SERVES GOD ALMIGHTY'S WISDOM MIGHT GRACE AND PURPOSE!



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I'd agree with this assessment.

30 years ago, a war was still possible, maybe even 20 years ago. But today, there is no stomach for war to be found anywhere.

Besides, Europe does not have the right demographics for it, and the migrants won't go and fight for Europe either.

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Nonsense. I see a the blogs the constant re-iteration that Europe is collapsing economically. Meanwhile all the stock market averages hit new highs today. Granted markets are manipulated, but you can’t go from 1929 to all time highs unless the collapse is overstated wishful thinking.

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"As predicted by me and several other analysts, the Ukrainian army was defeated and destroyed. After such a defeat, a collapse usually follows. And it would have followed, under military logic. The problem is found somewhere else. "

The problem is simple, a Russian leadership that dithers and lacks the stomach to do what it takes to win. They are still hoping for a relatively amicable outcome here. Russia does not want to make war on Ukraine, whom they still see as sadly misguided brothers. Nor do they want to make war on the West. They want to join the West.

And yes, WWIII is coming as a result of Russian indecision. NATO has already invested too much material and diplomatic support to be able to back out now, and the sociopaths who rule NATO will kill all of us before they give up their perches. This abuse of The Sunk Cost Fallacy is entirely intentional.

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What is winning? Maybe the Russians don’t believe flattening Ukraine is a win. Plus any big moves play into western propaganda. Look what big bad Russia did! Russian restraint is strategic.

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Russia can choose. Either flatten Ukraine or allow the West to win, that is, to use Ukraine for its own purposes. Hint: the West cares nothing about Ukraine, except as a foil to Russia. Take away Russia and Ukraine would be a pariah state.

The US flattened Iraq, Syria and Libya, to name a couple, and it didn't affect their international standing a bit. That said, had Russia used adequate force from the outset, Ukraine would need a lot less flattening that it needs now.

Relying on western reasonableness and humanitarianism was a massive miscalculation on the part of Russia.

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Yes. Flattening Ukraine is precisely what US wants - think of the photo opportunities. Instead western media either have to show pictures of war cities with no population or report how a single civilian was injured alongside a completely destroyed hotel (and don't mention the mercenaries).

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As I said: the West has flattened lots of countries, and they are busy flattening an concentration camp known as "Gaza". Didn't and doesn't affect their international standing a bit.

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It does make you wonder what all those discussions in the 70s and 80s were about - could or should have US bombed the German concentration camps? Quite ironic today.

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what discussions exactly?

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There were plenty of articles on the topic, TV documentaries even. largely based around the ideas of could or should the west have known, and would they have ended up killing more jews than they saved.

No one ever questioned whether we had a duty to prevent genocide.

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Oh my god, we have here a modern Alexander.

How could Putin ignore such a genius ?!!

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Well, it is the typical sofa mushroom powered by fluorescent lights with Napoleonic delusions .. I would put those people to create and manage a small company of only 5 people in the real productive sector and then .. well, then they won't have time for stupid delusions anymore ..

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Russia is running a marathon, not a sprint.

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I've heard the excuses before and I find them unconvincing.

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We've heard your extremist rhetoric before, too, and it is even less convincing.

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Regarding "I couldn’t imagine in my worst nightmare the degree of betrayal of the “Ukrainian” leadership against their own people" -- I hate to say this, but this on the surface -- just look at WHO the so called "leadership" in the Ukraine is....

Ethnically they are ALL jews (Ashkenazi / Khazars, to be exact). 80-90% of them!

- The dick-on-piano-jew zelenski, most of his "deputies",

- Most of the so called "ministers" in the zelenski government,

- 75-80% of the Rada ("parliament"),

- the mayor of Kiev,

- the previous "president",

- all previous "prime ministers",

- etc. etc.

So, the mistake made here is that the "leadership" does not consider Ukranians "their own people" -- they are just "goyim", beasts to be slaughtered (rad their Talmud -- that's their instruction manual). The same as Russia's population. The same as the US population. The same as the sheeple in Europe.

Who is behind this war? Who is behind all previous world wars?!!!!! Open your eyes!!!!

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Bolshevik Revolution: The Jewish Bolsheviks, who took over the Russian government in the 1910s, killed 66 million Christians, including 200,000 members of the Christian clergy, and destroyed 40,000 churches.

World War 1: Britain was losing the war against Germany. The Zionists stepped in and manipulated President Wilson to get the US into the war to help them. In return, the Jews asked the British Empire to deed them Palestine to create Israel. Their wish was granted in the form of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which cost the world 18 million dead.

World War 2: The Zionists fomented that war (just like they’re doing today with Iran and other countries in the Middle East), so that European Jews could feel threatened. The deception worked as European Jews fled in droves to Palestine and took over the homes of Palestinians, who were evicted at gunpoint and then either massacred or driven out of their land into neighboring Arab countries. With enough Jews on the ground, Israel was created in 1948 at a cost of 80 million dead.

World War On Terror: Zionist/Jewish neocons, in cahoots with their bought-and-paid-for politicians in the US government, perpetrated their act of terrorism on 9/11. Then they conveniently blamed it on Muslims so as to obtain a green light to destroy the Middle East using the armies of the US and NATO and the terrorist groups they finance, with the ultimate view to creating Greater Israel. So far, the death toll is 27 million, including Christians.

World War 3: With Russia protecting Syria and Iran from Israel’s Machiavellian design, will the Zionists succeed in bringing the world once again to the brink of disaster to create Greater Israel? If they do, will it instead bring about their downfall?


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The Jewish Bolsheviks, ........and destroyed 40,000 churches."

And not one synagogue. Fancy that!

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Oooh you'll be accused of "anti-semitism" LOL

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My first thought too.

Nuland/Kagan/Pyatt/Applebaum/Klaine/Blinken/Soros/Yellen/Johnson/Cameron/Shapps/Henri Lévy/Zelensky/Kolomoisky/Shmyhal/Groysman/Shefir/Rodnyansky/Poroshenko/Ariev/Mindich/Bogolyubov/Sirkus/Korban/Rabinovich/Korf/Laber/Kernes/Fuks/Yermak/Feldman/Pinchuk/Dolinsky/Fris/Goldstein...

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Thank You, Aleks. I have read and appreciated that in full, now.

It seems to me that a "World War" involves the restructuring of global trade and finance.

This World War differs as it is not particularly between competing colonialist empires, but rather between the decline of financial-colonialism, under the Petrodollar regime, and the more egalitarian (less extractive) populist concept of BRICS+.

This is an efficiency gradient to drive the change. It will be more efficient for smaller economies to be freed-up from suppression to extract resources and cheap labor.

The globalists must take the loss as the system becomes more distributed and more egalitarian, less dependent for survival upon shiploads of grain to Egypt from the American Midwest, for instance.

Flashing to WW-3 in the Mideast is what Netanyahu is desperate for, but his desire must be starved.

I have seen that there is sudden resentment in Ukraine that Israel gets everything and Ukraine gets nothing. This is a threat to ally with Russia, of course. Suddenly Congress is moving on that $60 billion spending bill...

Russia is running a marathon into the flow of history. China, too. Iran is smiling while it runs.

By the way, Iranian response "within seconds" to an Israeli attack with a new weapons system sounds like upgraded Iranian air defenses, presumably with Russian and Chinese targeting of incoming Israeli jets.


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Thank you, John. I fully agree with your assessment :-)

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As St. Thomas said, "seeing is believing" ..

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"I’d say, unfortunately, that more than half of the indicators are already reality:"

Yes, but a West that has decided to accept defeat and negotiate a peace over the next month would be predicted to provide half the indicators (half-heartedly at least) as well. It would need to show that it does have a plan B even if it doesn't have a plan B. Without a pretend Plan B it can't even have pretend negotiations.

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Tie Fighters? You wrote Tie Fighters????

Oh My.... Sir... Now You really are a brother!!!!!


Wish I could be a jedi... and a good one... to help and try to end this idiocy. And to end Vicky the Hutt...

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The force is strong with you, Marco 🤣

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Yes, but not enough to make a real difference... sadly :(

A level more seriously, Sir... Wish You could find the time to read a guy named Geert Vanden Bossche on substack.

I believe he's a top notch professional, and the latest news he published (from april 10th on) are quite scary for the wellbeing or societal collapse.

Don't forget that Coruscant choose to have their own slaves poisoned... just a couple years before the SMO.

I strongly believe that all was planned by them... and I am curious of Your take if I may, from an economical point of view... military reindustrialization my ass... only wishful thinking if Geert is right.

So, maybe something to consider in the equation....

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A good article, logical and well argued. Alas I think I agree with your analysis, except (as a European) I judge the risk of a non-NATO war with Russia slightly higher than 10%. Let us hope that we see more sanity from European leaders than we have become accustmed to recently. Certainly Eurpean populations are being "prepped" for a war with Russia. The narrative seems to have shifted in the last two years from "we must support Ukraine" to "we are now really at war with Russia, or soon will be". Well I don't sense that anyone I speak to wants WW3, and this whole move rises from a catastrophic misjudgement by European leaders. You have to wonder what hold the USA has over them, they cannot be so stupid except if compromised.

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It’s not the USA per se that has the hold imo. It’s a supranational elite some of whom are American. They don’t feel loyalty towards their own. In fact the opposite. They are better than ordinary people, and accordingly feel entitled to remake the world. The globalist fantasy has been around since WWII. All the fancy words can’t hide the fact that it’s essentially about financial control on a global scale. Politics is downstream from that. Those pushing and pulling the levers of war are not interested in nation states, because they want to transcend that old order. Nations are pawns in this game. It’s pretty clear that the dream will not be realized but that doesn’t mean the globalists will capitulate. The dream will not die until the money system can no longer support it. Imo of course

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This is why NSA exists, to collect dirty things (kompromats) on all leaders even 'allies'. Macron is heavily loaded with sex, money laundering, corruption,swingers parties, he is gay, his wife(mother?) is a trans and a former pedophile, it is common knowledge in France but total censorship.

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Outstanding article! Thank you very much for this great piece analysis!

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Thanks so much!

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Your 'comeback' is on form. Thank you.

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Excellent article

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Every time I see the president of France's name, my eyes skip a cog and I read "President Maricón".

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In the time of maricones you can't expect anything else ..

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@Hu Veja

I started to write alternate lyrics to Beck's "Loser", riffing forward from substituting "in the time of Maricóns" in place of "in the time of chimpanzees". But it got too dark and I had to stop.


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Hehe me too. And he is a maricon.

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The ante continues to climb, and none of us will be better off for it.

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Great work as usual


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> I predicted the Ukrainian Army would be defeated and collapse by the Summer of 2023.

Internet is littered with corpses of analysts and commentators that predicted Ukraininan collapse. :) These days, I'm of the opinion it might happen, at earliest, in 2025. But it's safer to predict 2026. :)

Also, are you keeping track of the hyperinflation of USD? FED is in a quasi-fiscal deficit and so far it's been unable to recover. If this keeps on going for too long, hyperinflation will enter the irreversible phase and erase USD from existence. See the comments I made here: https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/sitrep-122023-putin-and-zelensky/comment/45776511 (the thread which goes "I thought 2023 is bad already" and then Robert Lindsay) as well as https://gaiusbaltar.substack.com/p/repost-ww3-for-dummies/comment/46040092 which includes more links. Direct link to the most important article: https://snbchf.com/monetary-fiscal-policy/quasi-fiscal-deficits-hyperinflation/

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USD will never disappear at worse it will remain US + some satellites liliput states money.Since I was born I have been hearing this charade...64 years ago.

But the Euro will go as their monetary zone is too weak and unequal.What do Portugal has in commun with Germany or Greece with the Dutchs? Answer: nothing.

Target saldo don't lie and it less easy for the ECB to go unlimited QE as for the Fed.

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I am sure Russia could advance much faster than it is now if wanted to. They have so much superiority in the number of drones, glide bombs, artillery, rocket artillery, etc. The only reason the Russians don't do this is now, because it is more effective for them to destroy the soldiers and equipment that this Ukrainian regime keeps funneling into these meat grinders, like Bakhmut, Avdeevka, and now Chasov Yar.

One of the most important things in this war is the appearance of drones. At first, one would think that this made an offensive impossible, since it's easy to destroy the attacking tanks and infantry with it. And this is partly true. However, actually it made defense even more difficult. The party that can produce more drones will win, and in this, the Russians are better by orders of magnitude. The Russians now produce 50-60 thousand FPV drones a month, the Ukrainians only 10 thousand.

It is no longer necessary to physically surround a stronghold with infantry and tanks, but the attacker can block supply routes with FPV drones. With these cheap FPV drones, which are already equipped with thermal or infrared cameras, the Russian Army can easily block the supply route of a settlement. Especially for smaller settlements, villages and towns. It only takes to cover a few kilometres to prevent Ukrainian supply and it will be impossible to defend a settlement. If that happens, the Ukrainian garrison simply runs out of ammunition, food, drinking water, and they are forced to retreat, or surrender. Of course, it would be much more difficult to do this with a larger city like, say, Kharkov, as it would require many more drones, but I think it will be possible in the future.

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Stalin did say, "Quantity has a quality all on it's own".

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That’s correct. I can’t imagine a culture without an egalitarian minded elite.

The concept of living within “A greater Good” looks natural we being so social .

To think our society was created for the selfish minded doesnt make sense.

It’s a tricky balancing act for a State to do but to abuse the culture which created your existence as neoliberalism has done shows thats a social failure in countless ways.

The Chinese talked about this 5000 years ago in its poetry.

What a sensible thing to discuss!

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Interesting article. A huge scale is encompassed in this metaphor!

Lots of interesting views as is the Enlightenment view on God as only expressed in the human religion.

Negates the concept of a social interactive living planet supplanting it with a narrow vision.

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