Thank you very much Aleks for your assessment, which I fully share and see exactly the same. I am also very happy about a written report again. I am a subscriber to the site and miss some of the written comments. Unfortunately, a lot of it comes to YouTube. I much prefer written language because my English is poor and I can easily translate anything written automatically. With the videos it is very difficult and tedious. That's why I would be happy to receive more written texts again. Thank you for everything! You do great work and I always enjoy reading the texts and am happy to pay the annual subscription fee. Greetings from Switzerland, Chris

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Hello Chris,

no worries. Maybe you missed my announcement.

But in March I'm on a parental leave.

From April onwards I'll continue as before to publish regular written analysis.

Moreover, I will have also some paid articles with new topics, most likely weekly.

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Seymour Hersh says that the CIA observed the “ duty to warn “ protocol and advised the Russians about an impending terrorist attack. Ergo. The fault is Putin’s and his FSB people. This is tosh presumably.

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Mar 25Liked by Aleks

I am profficient in english, but I prefer and consume geopolitics in written form. It has no distractions, I can read and re-read at my own pace. It gives time to reflect and analyse. I hope to see more articles instead of videos. Thanks Aleksa for this report. It is very well structured, written and logical. I had a blast reading it. THX!

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The 4 shooters didn’t carry the incendiary devices with them and probably wouldn’t have known where to plant and explode them. That implies that there were agents who had already planned the fire-bombing and had rehearsed its execution.

The discovery and capture of that sabotage network is the Russian’s top priority, as that would disclose the handlers and direct the targeted response.

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Yes, I fully agree. That's what I tried to explain. The question is of course, as you pointed out, whether the four guys did ignite some prepositioned device somehow or whether there have been more perpetrators on or remotly activated/detonated/whatever.

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The week end before strangely Obama (real potus) was in ...London( Sunak, MI6?) and the day before in Brussels (nato)...

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Mar 25Liked by Aleks

On the one hand more perpetrators looks very likely.

On the other hand to have ISIS and actual UK/US special forces linked together on a single project would be a stunning PR victory for Russia. So I presume the more perpetrators must have been other ISIS less expendables, who could be risked but were expected to survive

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11 were arrested. The 4 who were all caught all talked, except maybe the unconscious hairdresser. These dimwits were well trained to go into the fully prepared arrangement, and were not supposed to live, one must suspect. The Russians may have tracked the white Renault a very long distance before acting to their own best advantage.

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Yes... Maybe they wanted to see where they were heading towards? To scout out further accomplices? Who knows.

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The attack was supposed to happen the 8th or the 9th during another concert, but as the US Embassy published a statement, crocus was heavily guarded, the 4(?) stooges went there but they prefer to delay their action. I guess it was Nuland project, and someone in the deep state knew about it, probably told her? ''are you crazy''? Then she was fired. Nuland with his sbu friends wanted the attack to happen BEFORE the election. Isis or not isis not really important as Ukraine is full of these guys some did even fight with the ukies including when they enter RU Mainland (Belgorod) tried at least, otherwise jihadists (real one) have been seen in Kiev since 2015 (war in Syria when RU started ops there).Erdogan holds a vast amount of jihadists in Idlib.What is important is/are the sponsor(s) probably CIA-MI6-MOSSAD(less likely maybe as they have more urgent tasks at home, 1.2 Russians live in Israel not really a good electoral idea) and Budanov as coordinator on sites providing plausible deniability.Even french DGSE to some point as Macron reactions today are scary. He proposed help (lol) to Russia to fight a common ennemy 'isis k'(which already attacked France several times), but he organized an urgent special secret defense meeting and put France on red alert (plan vigiepirate maximum level 5, imminent attack). It is probably a show or worse he can organize a false flag and accuse Russia of course? At least he has an excuse not to send troops in Ukraine they are all on maximum alert inside France + police+ anti terror sp forces GIGN etc...

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Thank you. Some very interesting thoughts.

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Thank You, Natoistan. That fits pieces together well with Nuland, her "prophecy" last month, her abrupt departure and the timing AFTER Putin was re-elected.

Too much security for the first concert, so 2 week delay...

It seems like a faction in Washington did not like the idea, was glad it was canceled, and Nuland too, but somehow it got resurrected.


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Seems like...

It is likely that several heads will roll in Washington over this... (Internally)

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Mar 26Liked by Aleks

I want to see Nuland on a sharp pike, Vlad The Impaler style. Up her rancid twat and out through her mouth.

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One can vividly imagine what went down in THE GARDEN OF EDEN once EVE had subscribed to THE SERPENT and dragging cohorts of ADAMS (willingly/cowardly) based on EVE'S "wisdom" into it.

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Mar 25Liked by Aleks

If no authoritative source will report it, then it never happened, as far as the public is concerned.

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Mar 25Liked by Aleks

True ISIS fighters/fanatics never run or let themselves be captured, they don't care to die because they are expecting martyrdom, the highest reward; certainly not money!

This behaviour alone casts a serious doubt on this ISIS affair, at lest as ISIS central...

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Yes that was my take too.....no suicide vests?

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Any cult fanatic will sooner or later find his sanctuary in THE SYNAGOGUE OF MONEY!

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25Liked by Aleks

From a disgusted westerner... I heartly hope they will reach the head of the snake (who lives in west europe) and make it pays for all the blood their oligarchy is wasting since 300?400 years...

Only God knows why the Russians/Slavics didn't retaliate earlier? 1905? 1917?

Always them behind the scenes.... untouchables??????

And only few sheeples will mourn them.

My condolences to all the innocent people suffering... not in my name.

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Mar 25Liked by Aleks

Look forward to fuck the EU nuland getting her up-and comings

Also people haven’t noticed that her grandfather in-law is Lazar kagan-vich

When they came over the US family dropped the vich

If only the Ukrainians knew he killed millions of their relatives and the family continues to send them to their deaths.

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I wouldn't want my kids to be a student in her class. For their physical safety now and their mental safety always.

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Mar 25Liked by Aleks

And the high-intensity body odour

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Well reasoned, crisp analysis. Thanks. I'm a bit of an "intuitive" and my gut tells me that the same rodeo clowns that took out the gas line from RU to Germany are the same actors who terrorized Russia in this latest foul attack on civilians. Ergo...of course it was Mary Ann and the professor. I see dead people...And, lest I forget: FJB

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L Truss texted then after NS sabotage: ''done'' to a russophobe Polish politico married with Appelbaum. Only and real ennemy of Russia are the zionists, real capital neither in Jerusalem neither in Tel Aviv or NYC but in the City of London they are behind (MI6 with possible help from Mossad?)all terror attacks in Russia using Budanov as usefull idiot. There is a minister from Netanyahoo who said openly on tv: Russia will pay for supporting Hamas (which is not true).

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Did you ever ponder why there are no Lutherans, Presbyterians or Holly Rollers at the tip-top of that dung-pile known colloquially as the US Gubment? Why certain gravitas players all hark from the same pew? The Greenspans, Nulands, Yellen, Blinkens, Shmoozer, Garland and on and on. Oh, oh and Maddy Albright? Why is that? I submit that the whole shit-show country aka the USA IS IN FACT a real time small province of Israel. We supply the money, arms and meat to shore up that criminal, genocidal regime. FJB is a self-licking ice cream cone and Bibi the galoot-n- yahoo is the real GUY IN CHARGE. Caveat: most people who know me think I'm too cynical. Smiley face inserted.

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Not only Israel ctrl govts from France as well (all msm).It started with Sarkozy, who when elected, the first thing this guy have done is to go to Washintgon, not even talking to the French before...then Hollande a very weak pr supposed to be 'socialist' in fact he was from the extreme right during some years when young (groupuscule) and the worst of the three: Macron a Rothild's bankster (he is half jew like Sarkoy Hungarian jew roots). About the le pen family business, they are fake opposition like the Extreme left eventhough at least the ext left voted (all bloc of 75 mp's) against the war.

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Not too cynical. I agree.

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" We supply the money, ..." there is no such thing as money - "MONEY"/THE FIAT CURRENCY PONZI SCHEME - and that can be "purchased" based on it - is THE BIG LIE SATAN is using to convince the gullible mind - EVE/ADAM - to turn away from GOD ALMIGHTY - THE ONE AND ONLY SOURCE OF ALL EXISTENCE. THE BIG LIE is the pretense of SATAN that there is anything that exists outside of GOD ALMIGHTY.


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Apologies: *Holy, NOT Holly.

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Mar 25Liked by Aleks

Hi Aleks - thank you for your always interesting and thought-provoking posts - they are much appreciated.

What puzzles me about the white Renault - they parked outside the centre - from aerial views, clearly in a 'no parking' zone - and left the car there unattended while they went inside to do their thing.

If I tried that in the city, the chances are 90% that the car would have been towed away by traffic control.

How could they have relied on that car to get away?

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Thank you, Cecile.

I personally think, that the attack itself lasted only several minutes. I have no actual information yet, but I would estimate maybe 15-20 minutes. And nothing happens within 15-20 minutes. The worst thing that could happen within that time is that you get fined...

Still.. I personally think that these guys should never have left that building alive from their handlers point of view. It is possible that the Russians deliberatley let them drive for some hours to establish where they were driving towards to uncover further perpetrators etc.

These guys weren't really clever people. They were only usueful.

With a real extraction, you would pre-position other cars and split and then hide for some hours/days/weeks in a hideout, perhaps in Moscow, until the situation clears.

Hence, they never should have stayed alive. This plan by the real perpetrators were botched.

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Yes they never should have stayed alive-- another finger to point at the West-- that is the western intelligence way-- find a patsy and make sure they die before they can talk. Unfortunately for them, Russia gets this "strategy" and understands that they were useful idiots-- hence get them alive.

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You were just looking for an excuse to write this. I wouldn't put it past you manipulating the US to manipulate the UK to manipulate the Ukrainians to manipulate ISIS to manipulate some poverty-stricken local Stans to do this. All roads lead back to a screaming baby and a wife eating chocolate.

As for your content, you added another dimension. For that, I thank thee.

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Thank you, Mike :)

And you gave me a new dimension on my own situation 😁

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Congratulations and please keep in mind that post-partum depression is a real thing and can take many, many months to sort out.

The magic words might help: "everything is going to be all right."

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Odd person.

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Bald heads and geopolitics belong together. And mirth fights the darkest hours.

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Outstanding analysis which clarified some points that I hadn't fully thought through; like the "training", the role of drugs like captagon, and the deep state machinations. Western leaders appear incompetent because they're adrift in the decision loop.

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25Liked by Aleks

I think you make too many excuses to let the US State Department and the CIA off the hook. I should add Zelensky, and the UBS as well. Those that followed the Syrian war closely, know that the US had cultivated a group of Jihadis' across the spectrum of the several Jihadist groups, trained them, and used the as a proxy army to wage a direct war against the Syrian government and Russia as well: Something the US could not do itself in the open.

I would love to share the reasons why the evidence is strong that the US and Ukraine are the top tier of your three-level scale.

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Victoria Nuland: “With this money, Ukraine will be able to accelerate the asymmetric warfare that has been most effective on the battlefield. As I said in Kiev three weeks ago, this supplemental funding will ensure Putin faces some nasty surprises on the battlefield this year.”

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Dima, at Military Summary, asserted last night that Russia notified Turkey of a terrorist training camp near Istanbul and Turkey promptly raided it and captured some folks...


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Mar 25Liked by Aleks

I really hope the Russians will identify every single perp from amongst the US and British politicians and terrorist organizations like MI6 and CIA and then the Russian special forces will execute these animals the "Law Abiding Citizen" style (love that film!), capture that slow, painful execution of these vermin on video and post it on the Internet for the entire world to see. Kill them all. Slowly. No exception. Regardless how high in their Satanic food chain these animals are.

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They do it right, and westerners will be like the Munchkins in the Wizard of Oz: "Ding, dong, the witch is dead!"

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Me too! I will be reading for clues to "the demise" of certain animals over the next year or two.

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I think you nailed it, in a figurative sense. And a lot of people are going to be nailed, in a more literal sense.

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Mar 26Liked by Aleks

If this was ISIS:

1. They would NOT use their left hand for (I can’t remember Arabic word) their finger.

2. They would NOT kill for money.

3. They would NOT try to escape, they martyr.

4. They would NOT do this during Ramadan.

This has GUR under supervision of CIA & MI6 written all over it. Why would the Empire of Lies 🇺🇸adamantly say it was not Ukraine before Russia knew who was responsible?

RIP to all those who were lost ☦️

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Thank you!

These weren't ISIS members themselves.

So, they don't use the typical ISIS behaviour.

They simply were recruited by ISIS assets, instructed and most likely trained a few weeks up to three months to conduct that attack.

That's why we don't have the typical ISIS behaviour.

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Definitely. In either case it has the CIA MI6 fingerprints all over it.

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Mar 25Liked by Aleks

Excellent synopsis I’d say where the unofficial policy of the Hegemon looks now official .

UK’s role undisputed here.

Real war doesn’t resemble the Forever War at all!!

Consequences I’d say will be further strikes on the Wests intelligence centres.

Russia won’t be invading the populace of the West as fearmongered by its leaders.

But precision strikes on places like Ramstein i is the direction I see as the War expands.

More complicity by the west to be seen.!

Same strategy by the Russians as now .

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Mar 26Liked by Aleks

USA “ISIS DID IT” means in bullshit language(The Language of the West is Pure Bullshit) we the CIA MOSSAD MI6 French SS and Ukraine murdered the people

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