Excellent write up, as per usual 😀 I think a swarm attack by drones, followed by missiles makes the most sense. Each VLS system has 90-some missiles X number of ships will give a minimal number of drones needed. The big question is: Since VLS cannot be reloaded whilst at sea, how will the US ships be challenged transiting to Bahrain? I have a feeling not very well (perspective dependent 😁). Follow up: what kind of pressure is being applied to Bahrain, to stop it from being a US lapdog?

Cheers from Cheyenne!

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Hi K via Z,

I am not military (not in the conventional sense), but I would think that a mix of drones, missiles, and maybe really fast (wink, wink) missiles would be better at stressing the decision-making processes of the AD systems. No interlude, as in an opera.

In practice, it might not require actual depletion of arms to instigate a "re-think" of the deployment of the U.S. CSG.

I think that Djibouti is a possible re-arming port for U.S., but China has ships there so that may be moot. Bahrain is out of the question for re-arming, as it is days away from the hot zone, and very close to Iran. So, the (military) term is "SOL".

"Conservation of armament" may override "decision to participate".

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