Hello Aleks! I have just discovered your website and I am positively impressed, I have quickly read all the articles as they seem extraordinarily lucid and above all objective and clarifying, which is greatly appreciated, especially for those of us who live in the West and are victims of the manipulation of the media. I think your thoughts and opinions are very enlightening, in the political, economic and military aspects of the subject. But I want to ask you something that I would like to know if you will include in your analysis: do you think that this change in the world order that is taking place also has a religious aspect, perhaps a spiritual one, seen as a fight of good against evil in some way? We are seeing how the most basic traditional human values are also at stake in this profound confrontation. There are even statements like those of the leader Ramzan Kadirov calling for the union of believers against the "demons" or proclaiming holy war, and they do not seem to me just simple slogans of encouragement for the fight... I don't know if you have religious beliefs, but in all case what is your opinion? Do you think it is an aspect to give importance to?
Thank you very much for your work, I hope you publish many more articles along these lines.
Hello Aleks! I have just discovered your website and I am positively impressed, I have quickly read all the articles as they seem extraordinarily lucid and above all objective and clarifying, which is greatly appreciated, especially for those of us who live in the West and are victims of the manipulation of the media. I think your thoughts and opinions are very enlightening, in the political, economic and military aspects of the subject. But I want to ask you something that I would like to know if you will include in your analysis: do you think that this change in the world order that is taking place also has a religious aspect, perhaps a spiritual one, seen as a fight of good against evil in some way? We are seeing how the most basic traditional human values are also at stake in this profound confrontation. There are even statements like those of the leader Ramzan Kadirov calling for the union of believers against the "demons" or proclaiming holy war, and they do not seem to me just simple slogans of encouragement for the fight... I don't know if you have religious beliefs, but in all case what is your opinion? Do you think it is an aspect to give importance to?
Thank you very much for your work, I hope you publish many more articles along these lines.
Hello Anthony
Thank you for your kind words :-)
I like to hear, that you read all of my articles.
Well, the question you just asked is an important one.
Many people asked me already.
I only think, I can't give a clear answer within the comment section..
Maybe I will write an own article one day. But not in the near future.
But I don't want to let you in the dark...
I'm an orthodox Serb.
And I strongly believe in god.
But I unfortunately can't write more here in the comment section, since it would confuse more, then it would bring clarity.
Yes, I will write further articles. But you need to be patient.
I just finished my intended series of articles.
Now I will make a break :-)
ok, I'll be waiting for your next issue, events are running to hell!
Thank you from Spain!
dude your telegram channel suddenly disappear. I don't know if you keep it, but is a very good way to share your work.