Both Napoleon and Hitler came up with the idea of a unified Europe which finally morphed as the European union. Ironic is it not that Germany and France are the drivers of the EU and Germany is in fact its engine room. Most of the rest are 'relatives' out for what they can get.

Like Communism, Capitalism, Religion and many other innately noble concepts invented by humans, the European Union was always going to be flawed into failure for the same reasons the other systems were and are - it failed to take into account human nature and the unique quality of humans as individuals and as cultures and nations.

One size never fits all and anyone who thinks it does or can is deluding themselves.

It seemed like a good idea at the time litters the dross and dregs of human history.

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It is not only Napoleon and Hitler. It is a Carolingian kingdom intent, and Carolingian is the antecedent of both France and Germany.

This ideas were recovered later by Proto Nazi German philosophers and their “Europe of the Volks” where they basically invented dozens of absurd nationalities in all the big European countries of the 18 century.

European Union is the direct heir of this, and with their tricky lies they achieve to get control of countries that were never part of that system like Spain or Portugal and also of Eastern Europe

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"...it failed to take into account human nature and the unique quality of humans as individuals and as cultures and nations." Have you not described the 'three strikes and out' of The Enlightenment?

And now the Slavophile, Christian tradition of Russia and Eastern Orthodoxy steps up to bat, as Armageddon rolls towards the Stadium.

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Not sure what you are talking about. The Russians are defending themselves against US aggression in its proxy war waged with the lives of Ukrainians, stupid enough to play that game and the help of lackey Nato allies. It has nothing to do with Slavs or Orthodox Christianity.

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Yup, it does.

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Then perhaps share that theory.

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Gladly. Just as there is no terrorism without state sponsorship, there can not be violent, genocidal, mass murder (AKA wars, revolutions, regime change disorders, etc) without supporting ideologies. I include certain aspects of religions as a part or form of ideology - though religions are more than that while ideologies are sufficient unto themselves as hermetically sealed systems. Christianity (Russian Orthodoxy) has triumphed over, Eurasian, Shamanism, Mongol Mithraic Pantheism, Turkish Islam, European militant Protestant and Papist Christianity (Crimean War), Masonic Talmudism (Napoleon), Hitlerite Occult satanism, Polish Lithuanian Catholicism, and it is triumphing over current Fourth Reich Anglo-Zionist talmudo masonic satanism as we speak. It is late and I welcome corrections but that is the substrata of my brief claim. I think it is rather self-evident. Not a battle of civilizations exactly as Huntington's intentionally misleading term has it but a battle of ideologies? Yes.

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I think most people would agree that war and their origins are always multi-faceted and driven by various agendas. Any study of the origins of the two world wars shows that.

It is a matter of what is the most powerful driver or rather, which driver has the most power. Because as some wise general once said, all plans go out of the window when the first shot is fired.

I am not sure Russian Orthodoxy has triumphed except in its remarkable capacity to survive the Communist era. You may well be right. I do not claim to be an expert on anything, simply well read and applying common sense to facts.

And I take a spiritual approach to all things, and I do not mean religious, in that I believe there are forces at work beyond we mere mortals and our petty and passionate concerns and influences which create situations and guide outcomes.

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Please provide more facts about your view...

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you mean the Russian/Ukraine situation? Pretty logical really. If you read John Mearsheimer who warned 15 years ago about the dangers of US aggression ringing Russia, although he got it wrong saying he did not think the Russians would invade, and the CIA coup in Ukraine in 2014, and the bioweapons labs the US/Nato set up in Ukraine, 46 I think, and the slow creep of adding countries on Russia's borders to Nato, and that is just for starters, it is pretty clear the Russians had to take a stand to neuter Ukraine and let the Americans know they would not tolerate their aggression by stealth.

If Canada or Mexico did with China or Russia what the Ukrainians were stupid enough to do with the US/Nato, the Americans would invade them in a nanosecond. That is simple logic and political realities. Tough luck having a powerful nation for a neighbour but tougher luck if you choose to play games with them in league with an enemy.

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All Empires (and EU is an empire de facto) collapsed, there is zero exception since Sumer or Babylonia, Rome, British, French, Spanish etc...

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Yes and for similar reason. Everything goes in cycles and power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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Excellent analysis.

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Thanks :)

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When you say "thanks" it's the same as complimenting yourself :)

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Your analysis is excellent, but, regarding the future prospects, the suicidal policies of Europe and Germany (and their passive acceptance from the general public) make me doubt about the prospect of any major european country breaking the bounds of euro-atlanticism in the near future. I hope I'm wrong!

Keep up the good work!

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Pure gold. I like the sentence "What happened instead was an epic rape of us Slavs". This epic rape is still ongoing (not just Ukraine and Russia). I am talking about us south Slavs. I am eating bullshit from national media (aka CNN like news translated to local language - Slovenian in my case), for which we have to pay 12 EUR per month...... It will be interesting what will happen with our politicians when this ends. They are all walking dead (politically). Not to mention this EU election charade. I truly hope that Slav nations wake up.

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A very well written analysis, although you forgot to talk about Southern Europe.

Spain, Portugal and Greece have suffered probably more than Eastern Europe due to economical integration with Central Europe.

At least in Eastern Europe Poland receive a lot of investment because they want to keep their industry strong to be used against Russia, and they were also allowed to keep their currency.

In Spain and Portugal basically all industries were devastated in the 80s, was even a condition to enter the EU.

Spain forced to close more of its naval production that was pretty big at the time. Also the metallurgic industries.

It is not by luck that the unemployed of sourthern Europe skyrocketed after entered the European Union and have never gone down.

All the issues of loss of manpower due to emigration also apply there.

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All this providing there is no nuclear apocalypse which is trending. Besides America is self-destructing and is losing its power over other nations.

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Can’t wait for the rest.

There is a GREAT YouTube channel I just discovered recently of this Chinese guy (very smart) who lives in LA and explains things from the Chinese perspective. You’re both are so in sync it’s like he’s the Chinese Aleks 😂

Check him out: https://youtube.com/@windspiritz?si=-o3w2Is88wBA_MAE

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Thank you, Phoenix.

Oh my god hahaha :)))) A Chinese Aleks :)))

I certainly will check that out :))

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@Tge Phoenix

OMG, WTF, Bwahahaha!


I wish he had English language transcripts better than the auto generated YouRube version. I never knew the word "hegemony" could be misheard by a computer program so many ways...

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So nice to see the truth spoken plain and simple. It’s proof soon to be seen.

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Eye, wide open. Of course, credit is due; to you and your peoples at BMA🇷🇸Thank you❤️🐈‍⬛ Family, God, and the Mother Lands. The Love Revolution continues 💙🇷🇺❤️

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Thanks, JG, nice to see you again!

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Aleks wrote: "The Euro was a bad idea from the beginning."

It was an impossible idea over time, from the beginning, and guarantied that there would be internal trade imbalances within the Eurozone, with no way to balance them. This was good for Germany, since it got to export with a lower-values Euro, but bad for Greece, Spain, Italy, etc.

A crisis was baked in. Was it a "bad idea" or a devious strategy?


Awaiting part 2.

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Very well written text. But two things are not clear:

1. How can we be sure that Ukraine is going to be defeated by the end of 2024? In spite of everything, Ukraine is managing to mobilize soldiers. There is no massive surrender, there is no discontent . It seems that Ukrainians love their destiny: to kill Russians and die for western interests.

2. In Germans oligarchs are above the German politicians why have they accepted a suicidal politics?This German politics is not in accord with the interests of German oligarchs.

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"When Russia finishes off Ukraine, which should be by the end of this year (if there is no major external escalation)"

There will be a major escalation. Baked in the cake.

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The reader who was talking about rising market to judge the state of the EU economy was not right, he simply doesn't know the difference between the price and the value.

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EU is a construct of big capital, big oligarchs.

The suffering of the respective populations doesn't matter to them.

So, for those who created EU, it was a huge success.

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I am from East Germany and I totally agree. What happened to the Slavic countries was first done to East Germany: The Treuhand ('Trust Fond') privatized the GDR's companies in a way that most were simply labeled 'unproductive' and shut down.

On a demographic level, it is the same story: Many cities in East Germany lost 30% or more of their population, the decline only stopped very recently but will further continue when the demographic shift starts (=more old people dying). Imagine, if you're a Pole and want to move to Germany, you need to learn a new language, etc. For East Germans, that is not the case. So many left entirely or are commuting.

It is really sad to see and I very often feel that we East Germans are sitting in the same boat as our friends to the East and South.

This also explain why East Germany thinks and votes much different to the West but most West Germans are unable to understand this.

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Basic rules which one needs to apply in ALL analysis for countries and economies.

1. Sole control (State/Government) over money creation is a prerequisite to Sovereignty and freedom. Anything else is just misinformation and subjugation.

2. No such thing as "free markets". Governments (State) always have the ability to direct internal markets for a countries economic security and prosperity. In the corrupt West, you can replace Governments with Oligarch's.

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