Also, the job was from a near perfect position, however with no possibilities for escape afterwards. Means this was a suicide job.

The position of the shooter was from the side, which makes the torso less of a target given that there may be an arm in front it that will deflect the bullet. That may explain the head-shot.

Also, a target the size of a head at that distance with a well adjusted scope is very doable, even for novices with just a day of training.

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I agree with your assessment.

However, I would want to factor in the stress the kid most likely had.

He knew, he'll be dead within seconds after he fired off the shots.

And he climbed up the ladder.

So, he clearly should have been under stress and had an increased heart rate.

And the side of Trump's torso... is... "big enough" :D :D (If you know what I mean).

So yes, everything is possible. I'm just currently led by probabilities.

Which doesn't mean that I am right, obviously.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

Or maybe the kid was a patsy who had no idea what he was really involved in, à-la Lee Harvey Oswald? Like Oswald, Crooks is no longer with us to be able to give us his version of events. Crooks could be a distraction, a ready-made set of answers, quickly splattered all over the media to shape the narrative in the desired direction? Again, like Oswald. Maybe Trump was shot by a professional sniper(s) from 500-1000m or more away? Aren't those responsible known for their limited playbook and lack of creativity and smarts?

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

"New Evidence Points To Multiple Shooters In Trump Assassination"

11 shots from 3 weapons?


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One bullet struck a spectator sitting in a stand to one side of the stage, between the shooter and Trump. That tells me that the shooter did not have a clear line of sight to his target, with people gesticulating, moving in and out of the line of sight. So a head shot was probably all that was available from his position. Still waiting for someone to re-create the shooter's view from the roof, that would reveal a lot.

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Lethal force protocols: Ambiguity over the identity of the roof shooter would still allow a non-lethal shot in front of the shooter, which would resolve the ambiguity. If Protection personnel, he signals so and moves his rifle away from his body. If shooter, he is dissuaded from shooting and is put into uncertainty. What he then does will indicate his intentions.

Incidentally, it would be logistically easier to assassinate Trump while he was playing golf. Rifle in a golf bag in a golf club protective cover. Run away to a preparked motorbike.

Public assassination has a massive propaganda function.

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@Bob Marsden

If there are any law enforcement/protection organizations whose protocols include firing warning shots, I have never heard of them. EVERY police, military or private security training organization I know of trains their shooters to take the most certain shot (center of mass) if possible, head shots or other areas as a last recourse- And NONE train in cowboy style "shoot the gun out of their hand" or Hollywood movie "fire a warning shot in front of them" last time I interacted with such.

If there is a new school of thought that allows such shots, I'd be curious to know of it.

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Well, what is this Truman Show if not theater? A public assassination makes it easier for them to control and shape the narrative, to mis-direct us from what really happened.

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Thanks Aleks. There is a shooting-war between elite factions.

This is different from killing millions of us ordinary humans, which elites routinely do.

This marks an existential power struggle between elite factions, which I'll call "globalists" and "nationalists", but other terms also apply.

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Hi John,

how is your grandson?

Yes, I agree... and it is scary... Ugly things happen when the elites started to fight in the past.

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IT is Strauss and Howe's 4th Turning, and it's a doozie.

Hope the family is doing well!

Cheers from Lincoln!

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A good idea with regards to IT :))

Family is great.

I hope yours as well?



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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Aleks

First comment... not sure if it's right or wrong but I read it's a .22, not a .223

It changes a lot about shooting/noise envelope profiles and management profile but still very lethal (just ask the poor guy dead and the two wounded ones!).

They speak of AR platform but it means just a few (from ar15-22 to ar-15/m4 to ar-10, from .22 to .223 to . 308)

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I shot with all these calibers :)

And shooting for accuracy with an .22R Magnum (rifle) on more than 50m is like trying to throw a stone on someone :)) And it doesn't explain the "damage" on the other victims.

So, even though I don't know for certain I would rather exclude the .22 variant.

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The photograph of the bullet passing behind Trump shows a fine-line vapor-trail, which any of the high-velocity .223 or .22 Hornet varieties, traveling at mach-3 would do. It is not consistent with "ordinary" .22 loads like magnum and long rifle, which are supersonic, but much less so.

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Thanks John!

I was sure that it must have been a high velocity ammunition. I wrote that yesterday. To be fair... I didn't think about the .22 high velocity variant.

Who knows.

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All the commercial .22 rimfire cartridges, long rifle or magnum are subsonic by 100 meters. The relatively short, fat bullets have (relatively) terrible aerodynamics, don't have enough sectional density to maintain velocity, even on the more spicy loads starting out at 1600 fps, which usually incorporate even lighter bullets to do so.

The .22 Hornet mentioned above is similarly handicapped by a short, fat bullet but starting out @ around 2,500 fps pushes the easily useable range out to 150.

The whole family of .223 Remington/5.56 NATO derived center-fire cartridges which can use longer, more streamlined projectiles are the realistic minimum for what was attempted. But how realistic was ANYTHING connected to this event?

(I am a rifle nerd for over half a century now, yet never have shot anyone. Go figure-)

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Just an idea Sir... knowing it had been shot from 130 meters and supposing to discard the parallax factor (being quite planar to Donald's head :( You think it could be possible to determine the bullet speed in that moment? I don't know the photographer camera but I suppose the best pro available camera and supposing the shutter speed at 1/2000 sec or less considering the ideal light conditions?

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The image here from the NYT shows the fine vapor-trail behind the high velocity (1000 M/sec. muzzle velocity) .223 bullet in flight. i couldn't see the bullet, myself. https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/08/13/us/politics/13election-live-photo-assess/13election-live-photo-assess-superJumbo-v2.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp

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Yes, I had in mind the exact same photo... My math is this: supposing it's a 50/60 cm contrail.. at 1/2000 sec it should tick at the same muzzle velocity... so maybe my math is grossly faulty... :) :) :)

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I just don't know how precisely one might know the disappearance time of a fine contrail like that, but temperature and humidity would matter. The bullet would have slowed slightly in 130 meters...

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The poor kid (shooter?!) wins the 'Lee Harvey Oswald Look Alike Contest'. Dead men don't tell tales. Nothing to see here..move along.

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They could spare the life of a Jack Ruby this way...

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Ha! Excellent point...generosity in the killing fields.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Aleks

Me too.. I agree 100% with You but for recoil on .223 with that quick shot rate?The news and this it is what made me suppose a lighter .22.. We don't speak of a Bob Lee Swagger 😉...

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I love the movie hahaha

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Jul 15Liked by Aleks

mee too bro! :)

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Jul 15Liked by Aleks

.223 recoil isn't much actually.

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Maybe like in Dallas there was more than one shooter?

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suspicious activity around the time of the shooting on at least two other locations : water tower across the parking lot from where the patsy was set up and behind the pond directly in the opposite direction.

Maybe some kid was climbing the water tower to take a look at the rally or maybe it was the actual shooter who took the first shot after which the patsy opened up with his AR ? Again why leave that kind of high structure unsecured much like the patsy's rooftop. And sure, lets give the patsy an AR so we can demonize that weapon some more and tighten up the gun laws...

And maybe it was some farmer just revving up his old tractor behind the pond, or maybe it was done to divert attention there.

Trump should hire some actual professional security, if the SS is this incompetent or compromised. There sure is enough of people with experience and willingness to do what SS seems to be incapable of.

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I don't think so, differently from Dallas sure...

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It seems unlikely to have been a .22 (not saying it is, just not likely based on the damage the bullets did to other people).

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Jul 15Liked by Aleks

Yes Sir, I know... I'm not at all so expert but the news I read were about a .22 and the plop plop in the video made me think it could be so and I checked the possible variants.

Again, waiting for more experienced/better opinions... Larry could tell from his experience?

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Watch the video :) It is very interesting.

And they discuss the caliber as well.

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Jul 15Liked by Aleks

will do as soon as I can (at work now...)

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Watched it... ok, sorry to have wasted Your time Sir

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Jul 15Liked by Aleks

I explained the Secret Service standard operating procedure yesterday covering assignments and zones defined by a perimeter.

Pics of the shooter show him prone and moving. A headshot at that range is tough and Trump moved his head at the right second, hence the ear. God's will, likely.

Acco shaves with recycled nuclear submarines from Gillette, Occam's razor says the cook radicalized himself with no shortage of outside MSM help.

The Secret Service, worldwide, relies on local law enforcement to secure the outer perimeter. The rooftop snipers cover the area beyond that, which explains the movement to a sharp downward angle of one of their weapons spotting the assassin.

The Secret Service standard rules of engagement are to wait for the first shot. It took three seconds after that.

IMO, the local LEO coverage failed. "I was supposed to be where?"

There are two local LEOs accredited for communication with the Secret Service. When bystanders saw the assassin on the rooftop and alerted police, likely someone got on the radio. Anyone's guess what happened after that.

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Interesting comment! Thanks!

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Jul 15Liked by Aleks

Check Susan Crabtree on Twitter/X for her postings on the Secret Service, including assignments to the Trump detail.

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Jul 15Liked by Aleks

My goodness, this interview…a bit distracted. Well, I found myself looking at the instruments and dreaming about playing one of the many guitars. The woodwork, the background, odds and ends. The intelligence of Larry/guest…this darn good looking gentleman, led me into wander, and wonder mode. Howl. A girl can dream, as such I am an elder thus…I will stick with the material presented and ponder the mystery. Thank you, my news, muse. All the best, in all~ways❤️🐈‍⬛

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Hi JG,

To be honest... I was also a little distracted by the guitars :)))))

All the best to you,


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There's no need of all that technical wisdom; the snipers were there not to take care of the Donald but to kill the Oswald once he had finish his job, so as to prevent the need for the FBI to hire a Jack Ruby. 🦥

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Shot in torso from that position is a shot in the shoulder, or low abdomen...considering that Trump could have a tiny armor, but even without it, the shot in the head is only Choice. He missed one Inch, which is pretty pro. But the Elephant in the Room that none mentioned, is a very high possibility that he was just a "Patsy", and a Distraction, while the other shooter was working from the other Side. How we know that Crooks is dead- we saw him in "blood", in the footage that cabal-media gave us..? They already did such a fake, remember Boston Maraton drill, with all those "Victims" covered with fake blood, and guy without Legs, who lost it a years before that..? All the crisis Actors that talk about Crooks for the lying Media now, completely fit in wider psy-op, in which nothing is as it looks. Think about it. Compare the old Pictures of "thomas crooks" with the Pics of "dylan ROOF", alleged Charleston Church killer- just remove those forehead Hair, and you have the "ROOF-killer". Ant that's only a Peak of the Iceberg. The Cabal has been deceiving us for decades.

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Meanwhile, I watched more of the "crisis Actors" on the Cabal Media-ABC, NBC, CNN, even Fox... If you ever watched the Sandy Hoax/"Active Shooter" debunking Videos, before Jew Tube deleted them, you can see all those young cia-assets who talk how the Shooter was "weird, alone, bullied, asocial" etc... Adam Lantza, Denver shooter, many others, and now those "school Friends" repeat the same Stories about Crooks. In the same time, we watch how Crooks was One of the "Guests" in this Black Rock marketing Video, where he smiles and talk with the others- that looks like pretty decent social Life to me, dunno... To cut Story short, he is just another Distraction Actor, that should attract and divide our Brains on irrelevant Topic. Instead that, pay Attention on the "colateral Victim" in the Stands behind Trump- he/she was sitting all the Way on the left Side, same Side where Crooks allegedly shoot from. That Victim was not in his Line of Fire, not even close. But he did sit in the Line of a miss-shot from totally opposite, right Side from Trump, in the main Camera perspective, somewhere around that "Lake", where also some Trees are, look at the bigger Map of the Area. Also on that Side was a Tractor/machine that reving its engine with lot of Smoke from Exhaust right in the Time of shooting!?! It's visible on some of the Spectator's Phone-Videos. Pretty strange, isn't it? On Top of all, Brian Berletic mentioned the American Flag, hanging above Trump, which shows the direction and strength of the Wind, pretty important for the Shooters. All these Things implies a big cia set-up, with at least Two Shooters, and many assisting Assets.

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I think you’re on the trail👌👍✔️✌️

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16


It's got their MO all over it :(

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How did the shooter know he could take a position so close & so easy to shit at Trump. Can you imagine him trying to get on that roof with a rifle if the building was under surveillance like it should have been? His plan would have be stopped before it had begun. Yet he knew he could climb up onto a roof just over 100m from Trump with his rifle. How come?

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Exactly, some witnesses say he went straight between buildings, no pause to look around and assess. So, he knew there was a ladder. No security noticed a rifle? How did he arrive at the event? From parked car to barn, carrying, no stops or checkpoints? Massive lack of secure perimeter. Malice, not incompetence.

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Either confusion (see interview) or "window" (see my writing)...

I hope it is not incompetence...😅

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

My guess would be that he believed himself to be protected, safe, while in reality he was a patsy. It does kinda look like they knew he was there; so he was in fact protected, until he wasn't.

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Re: Whitcomb discussion video (link below),

A statement was shown on screen which I captured (don't have the timestamp):

"My name is Jonathan Willis, I'm the officer in the famous photo of the two snipers on the roof at Trump's rally. I came here to inform the public that I had the assassin in my sights for at least 3 minutes, but the head of the secret service refused to give the order to take out the perp. 100% the top brass prevented me from killing the assassin before he took the shots at president Trump". Later Willis reported that after disobeying orders to not kill the assassin, he was fired.


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Without some kind of proof, I will assume that 4chan posting is just more disinformation.

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The piece of information I wish to see is WHO managed that building, WHO left available an unsecured means of roof access? Because I used to do property management, I knew to NEVER leave an unsecured/unsupervised ladder access to a roof EVER for reasons of liability & preventing roof damages/vandalism/theft. I can easily believe law enforcement had a failure to communicate between organizations. I can believe local police assumed anyone wearing camo and brazenly walking about with an AR must be one of them, police are not often the sharpest tools in the shed. But I have a really hard time believing a building manager or tradesman left a roof access available for just anyone to climb & un monitored at all, let alone during an event with crowds on site, we ALL know better.

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Hmm, the snipers/security were fooled by shooters camouflage pants, through their scopes they failed to see a long haired hippy type and assumed he's one of their crew... No mention of ballistics and wound of a high powered bullet grazing the ear...I dunno, sounds like two ex-spooks dishing out out a nothing-burger to distract from an obvious false flag psyop theater.

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Somehow I feel that the dark one was involved in this case. Question is, which dark one ?

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OK, have they found the bullets ?

They always find the bullets on CSI.

But seriously, any word on that ?

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@Alfred Venison

At 120 yards, common 55 gr. FMJ/lead core + gilding metal "cup" type bullets break up explosively on contact with anything solid or even most liquids/gells, a twig between rifle & target is often enough make them come apart. There will be little chunks of core lead and jacket scattered down range from Trump's ear or embedded in bodies, nothing will be found looking like the more or less intact bullets with rifling engraved on them we all have seen CSI type pictures of.

There ARE several types of hunting bullets engineered to stay mostly in one piece, also some military ammunition designed to penetrate armor which may leave a slug that could be used for ballistic/rifling analysis. But those types are not the average cheap stuff at every gun store.

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thanks for that info, much appreciated. So, in these circumstances, is there a way to determine if they were all shot with same rifle ?

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A good analytical laboratory could tell you if the fragments came from the same MANUFACTURERS LOT of projectiles, there is no way I know of without at least some of the rifling groove marks on bullet jacket intact to say what rifle it might have been fired from.

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Re: Whitcomb discussion video (link below),

A statement was shown on screen which I captured (don't have the timestamp):

"My name is Jonathan Willis, I'm the officer in the famous photo of the two snipers on the roof at Trump's rally. I came here to inform the public that I had the assassin in my sights for at least 3 minutes, but the head of the secret service refused to give the order to take out the perp. 100% the top brass prevented me from killing the assassin before he took the shots at president Trump". Later Willis reported that after disobeying orders to not kill the assassin, he was fired.


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Yes, someone posted that on 4chan. And I can post that I'm a three legged martian on 4 chan if I like.

Initial attempts to find anyone with that name among the employees of state & local law enforcement have been unsuccessful. The SS doesn't give out such information of course.

Without some substantiating evidence, just more disinformation.

The piece of information I wish to see is WHO managed that building, WHO left available an unsecured means of roof access? Because I used to do property management, I knew to NEVER leave an unsecured/unsupervised ladder access to a roof EVER for reasons of liability & preventing roof damages/vandalism/theft. I can easily believe law enforcement had a failure to communicate between organizations. I can believe local police assumed anyone wearing camo and brazenly walking about with an AR must be one of them, police are not often the sharpest tools in the shed. But I have a really hard time believing a building manager or tradesman left a roof access available for just anyone to climb & un monitored at all, let alone during an event with crowds on site, we ALL know better.

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