"You may ask what twisted mind could allow that and sacrifice innocent civilians, but to simplify, "You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs” means that it is simply impossible to get something important done without creating a problem for someone else. In other words, sacrifice is necessary for the greater goal. Holly's book…
"You may ask what twisted mind could allow that and sacrifice innocent civilians, but to simplify, "You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs” means that it is simply impossible to get something important done without creating a problem for someone else. In other words, sacrifice is necessary for the greater goal. Holly's books also speak about sacrifice at the altar, after all."
Right. The Zionazis are just doing what any filthy human would do. Bullshit.
"Palestinians are facing annihilation or expulsion, and the people of the world, except for a few, do not give a damn."
Right. Because nobody in the ruling class of the west or China gives a shit means "nobody" gives a damn. The better part of wage slave humanity would immediately end the genocide, but they don't matter do they, tough guy?
You're analysis is pretty dispassionate and your predictions are certainly possible, but your ridiculous cynicism makes me wonder how reliable your read really is. You may be convinced by the Zionazi propaganda about just how special and brilliant they are, but let's look at history.
Hitler also has some very impressive victories, but like the Zionazis he just couldn't stop pushing even for the most irrational goals. That wasn't just a character flaw, but the result of an ideology that may sound familiar to you. You see he also thought he and the German people were the chosen, superior race. That a greater power made it so and every tactical victory was further proof of the fact. In other words, he was a delusional lunatic, just as are his beaten step children, the Zionazis. They can enjoy their little tactical victory for Chanukah this year, but theres a long way to go yet and they are possessed of an ideology that has been proven to destroy it's possessor in the end.
Keep watching. Games not over. The world will crush them as it did their stepfather. Mark my words.
I wish I could share your optimism, but the rulers are the only people who matter. Nobody cares what the people of the wage slave class thinks. Anyway, the Nazis were defeated, not because they were evil, but because I.V. Stalin did what it took to defeat them.
"Blessed are the cynical, for only they have what it takes to succeed." - C. Wright Mills
The NAZIs weren't defeated. The German army may have been defeated; but the NAZIs weren't. Hitler, Bormann, Kammler and many other senior NAZIs were allowed by the British and Americans to fake their own deaths and flee to Argentina and elsewhere with vast amounts of loot and their high-tech projects. They're now in control of all the NATO/Five-Eyes countries, Ukraine, Israel and others.
"Hitler in Argentina: The Documented Truth of Hitler's Escape from Berlin," by Harry Cooper:
Bullshit you are dreaming and living in a fantasy land. Mike is 100% right - "Palestinians are facing annihilation or expulsion, and the people of the world, except for a few, do not give a damn."
Israeli zionist racist evil scum are getting way with murderous genocide and no one gives a damn bar a few in the west or Europe. They have won hands down in the ME now, the axis of resistance is neutered, and no one is running mass demonstrations anywhere in the world! NO ONE.
They have already won. Iran has lost. You have lost. Russia and China will do nothing to rectify anything - all they are are Capitalist Elites too. Money and self-interest Rules everything. The people of the west are too oppressed and too ignorant to know or do any better. Less than 1% have any inkling of reality behind all the propaganda.
But you, and Karl and people like you imagine the whole world knows and thinks like you do. You are fools. Gullible deluded fools.
So, you think Israel can exterminate 6 million in Occupied Palestine, Christians and Muslims and 2 million in what is called Israel and get away with it? Simply not possible.
And in order to hold Palestine they would then have to exterminate 8 million Palestinians in the Diaspora. Let us return to reality.
Iran has not lost and neither has Palestine, Lebanon or Syria.
Israeli society and economy are crumbling and there is a limit to how many murdered and maimed children anyone can get away with or how big are the rivers of blood.
Remember, Israel cannot survive without the West and the US in particular and more than half of young Americans want Ziorael dismantled. Indeed, so do most young Jews. Times change and so do generations. Investors are walking away from Israel and will not come back to their blood-soaked doors for many decades. Israel cannot last that long. It is self sufficient in nothing but ego, hate and violence.
The Israelis, particularly the young are leaving in droves. There is no future without the young and the soldiers are so brain damaged and mentally ill they are more likely to start shooting up their own families and neighbours than be of any use holding Palestine, Syria and Lebanon.
This is why Naziyahoo wants his war with Iran. He thinks it will draw people together. It is why he invaded Syria so he can play the old game of look how clever Israelis/Jews are. We triumph. We can defeat those pathetic Arabs.
But logic would decree he has bitten off more than he can chew and Israel is going to choke.
Well. If they are diaspora it means they were not particularly disposed to fight for their land in the first place, right? They can talk tough, but the fact is that they fled at the first opportunity.
No, it means they had no choice but to leave and make a life somewhere else but want to return to their homeland. Never underestimate the power of a Diaspora. And who says they fled at the first opportunity? Too many assumptions on your part.
"You may ask what twisted mind could allow that and sacrifice innocent civilians, but to simplify, "You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs” means that it is simply impossible to get something important done without creating a problem for someone else. In other words, sacrifice is necessary for the greater goal. Holly's books also speak about sacrifice at the altar, after all."
Right. The Zionazis are just doing what any filthy human would do. Bullshit.
"Palestinians are facing annihilation or expulsion, and the people of the world, except for a few, do not give a damn."
Right. Because nobody in the ruling class of the west or China gives a shit means "nobody" gives a damn. The better part of wage slave humanity would immediately end the genocide, but they don't matter do they, tough guy?
You're analysis is pretty dispassionate and your predictions are certainly possible, but your ridiculous cynicism makes me wonder how reliable your read really is. You may be convinced by the Zionazi propaganda about just how special and brilliant they are, but let's look at history.
Hitler also has some very impressive victories, but like the Zionazis he just couldn't stop pushing even for the most irrational goals. That wasn't just a character flaw, but the result of an ideology that may sound familiar to you. You see he also thought he and the German people were the chosen, superior race. That a greater power made it so and every tactical victory was further proof of the fact. In other words, he was a delusional lunatic, just as are his beaten step children, the Zionazis. They can enjoy their little tactical victory for Chanukah this year, but theres a long way to go yet and they are possessed of an ideology that has been proven to destroy it's possessor in the end.
Keep watching. Games not over. The world will crush them as it did their stepfather. Mark my words.
I wish I could share your optimism, but the rulers are the only people who matter. Nobody cares what the people of the wage slave class thinks. Anyway, the Nazis were defeated, not because they were evil, but because I.V. Stalin did what it took to defeat them.
"Blessed are the cynical, for only they have what it takes to succeed." - C. Wright Mills
The NAZIs weren't defeated. The German army may have been defeated; but the NAZIs weren't. Hitler, Bormann, Kammler and many other senior NAZIs were allowed by the British and Americans to fake their own deaths and flee to Argentina and elsewhere with vast amounts of loot and their high-tech projects. They're now in control of all the NATO/Five-Eyes countries, Ukraine, Israel and others.
"Hitler in Argentina: The Documented Truth of Hitler's Escape from Berlin," by Harry Cooper:
If we read the last 3000 years of human history in one go, could we be anything other than cynical/realistic.
Bullshit you are dreaming and living in a fantasy land. Mike is 100% right - "Palestinians are facing annihilation or expulsion, and the people of the world, except for a few, do not give a damn."
Israeli zionist racist evil scum are getting way with murderous genocide and no one gives a damn bar a few in the west or Europe. They have won hands down in the ME now, the axis of resistance is neutered, and no one is running mass demonstrations anywhere in the world! NO ONE.
They have already won. Iran has lost. You have lost. Russia and China will do nothing to rectify anything - all they are are Capitalist Elites too. Money and self-interest Rules everything. The people of the west are too oppressed and too ignorant to know or do any better. Less than 1% have any inkling of reality behind all the propaganda.
But you, and Karl and people like you imagine the whole world knows and thinks like you do. You are fools. Gullible deluded fools.
So, you think Israel can exterminate 6 million in Occupied Palestine, Christians and Muslims and 2 million in what is called Israel and get away with it? Simply not possible.
And in order to hold Palestine they would then have to exterminate 8 million Palestinians in the Diaspora. Let us return to reality.
Iran has not lost and neither has Palestine, Lebanon or Syria.
Israeli society and economy are crumbling and there is a limit to how many murdered and maimed children anyone can get away with or how big are the rivers of blood.
Remember, Israel cannot survive without the West and the US in particular and more than half of young Americans want Ziorael dismantled. Indeed, so do most young Jews. Times change and so do generations. Investors are walking away from Israel and will not come back to their blood-soaked doors for many decades. Israel cannot last that long. It is self sufficient in nothing but ego, hate and violence.
The Israelis, particularly the young are leaving in droves. There is no future without the young and the soldiers are so brain damaged and mentally ill they are more likely to start shooting up their own families and neighbours than be of any use holding Palestine, Syria and Lebanon.
This is why Naziyahoo wants his war with Iran. He thinks it will draw people together. It is why he invaded Syria so he can play the old game of look how clever Israelis/Jews are. We triumph. We can defeat those pathetic Arabs.
But logic would decree he has bitten off more than he can chew and Israel is going to choke.
I recommend Mike's realism @ https://bmanalysis.substack.com/p/israel-and-the-fall-of-syria-and/comments plus Jonathon Cook @ https://www.jonathan-cook.net/2024-12-11/syria-assad-pentagon-plan/ instead.
I am not going to argue the details with you or anyone. Drawing your own conclusions is fine by me. It makes no difference to anything.
Well. If they are diaspora it means they were not particularly disposed to fight for their land in the first place, right? They can talk tough, but the fact is that they fled at the first opportunity.
No, it means they had no choice but to leave and make a life somewhere else but want to return to their homeland. Never underestimate the power of a Diaspora. And who says they fled at the first opportunity? Too many assumptions on your part.