Yeah, yeah, the mighty MOSSADISTS organised 07/10 in every detail yet were totally unprepared to actually fight Mano a Mano in the concentration camp they created and surrounded all while destroying forever their once, so crucial, Hasbara basement industry of sallow, stinking and sullen IDF teenagers.

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Interesting; but does nobody think that Erdogan took Damascus on his way to Tel Aviv? The Israelis don't feel threatened by having Erdogan next door in Syria? I should have thought that the Israelis were taking a big risk by letting Erdogan into Syria. Surely the Turkish army would crush the IDF?

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No, as long as Erodgan has western assets that can be seized on any or no pretext, western bank accounts that can be frozen at the drop of a hat, shiny western toys that can be taken away, Israel has nothing to fear.

Ignore Erdogan's touching rhetoric about Gaza. Pay attention to what he does. Turkey and Israel are working together, doubtless brokered by the United States.

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Erdogan has never stopped transporting gas to Israel and Egypt. He's 70 now. I'm curious what job he will get when he 'retires'.

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Nobody works with Israel and I don't think you understand the Turks. They may well be making what money they can out of shitrael but they are not working for it or with it.

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So you think the timing of the attack and Israeli pileon was total coincidence?

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Or are you talking about Syria? Not sure about coincidence. Think Israeli invasion was opportunistic. Something else is going on and from what I sense even the experts do not quite know what.

Or it could just be the out of left field factor which happens sometimes and can be explained astrologically or mythically. In other words, it could just be shit happens and fate and destiny rather than some grand plan by anyone.

And as military history shows, it is the shit happens factor which often triggers world wars nobody wants or expected.

Is anything ever a total coincidence. The Turks have done what they do, therIsraelis have done what they do, the rebels have done what they do - where it leads no-one knows. All we do know is that the big bastards, playing their games of power sit safely while the poor ordinary people suffer in the most ghastly ways.

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No-one knows for sure. There is evidence that the Israelis knew an attack was coming and when it was coming and took measures to allow it to happen.

I doubt the Israelis knew the extent of the breakout but if they did know something would happen and let it happen so they could use it as an excuse to murder as many Palestinians as possible and raze Gaza to the ground it would fit their modus operandi in general and make sense of the failure to stop it.

Or the Palestinians did just gazump the shitraelis. Either way shitrael ended up with a severe loss of face. And I doubt they understood what the global ramifications would be in terms of support for Palestine.

They have been murdering, torturing, raping, stealing for so long and getting away with it they think they can get away with anything so a blood-drenched slaughter of Palestinian prisoners in Gaza, nearly half of them children, but all subhuman, some sort of animal/insect, would hardly make the headlines, and they control the media anyway.

What they underestimated was the power of modern technology, phones, cameras, social media, citizen journalism and the public relations nightmare it would turn into for the Zionist military colonial occupation State. However, given the psychopathic nature of the society and the State, they won't actually care. Brainwashed to believe everyone hates them why would it be a surprise to find everyone hates them. For the Zionist regime this was more grist to the mill for their brainwashing campaign.

Brainwashed people living in a cult environment are not very bright. You cannot brainwash really intelligent people, because they are hardwired to ask questions and want to understand the Why of the What. So the Shitraelis are never going to be able to read others, or the effects of their actions, and ponder long-term unexpected possibilities.

Let the breakout happen and use it to send another of their violent messages and exterminate if lucky, another 2 million Palestinians, and then get started on the rest of Occupied Palestine. Naziyahoo is thinking on his feet if he thinks anything at all and now he has taken full control, the really big mistakes are going to happen.

I could be wrong of course.

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The Israelis have opened a third war front when they cannot even control the other two. The various groups/regimes who ousted Assad are tough, ruthless, vicious and well trained with weapons. The Israelis have little to no experience in anything but attacking unarmed women, children, the old, the sick, the crippled and those behind bars at a checkpoint. This is why they could not rout Hamas or Hezbollah.

Wars are only ever won on the ground. Bombing never wins a war and all the Israelis can do is drop bombs until the enemy works out a way to take their planes out of the sky.

Anyone who thinks the Israelis can hold the ground taken in Syria, let alone the Golan Heights, when the Syrian victors decide enough is enough, are deluding themselves.

Everyone hates Israel and that will bind together the most disparate of groups. Invading Syria has to be one of the more stupid things the shitraelis have done but, since it hastens their demise, we should celebrate.

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Hilatrious. hank you for your analysis General Ross LOL.

Why are you pro-Islamists always so arrogant while also being arrogant? You just a) live a life of fantasy and self-delusion.

Free Palestine from Hamas and Islamism and ignorant pro-Islamist anti-Palestinian poseurs like you

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Your bigotry is your problem. The issue is not Islam, the issue is Zionist Israel's occupation of Palestine and parts of Lebanon and Syria and more than anything its sadistic cruelty and bestial savagery to the Palestinians for 76 years.

Are you truly unaware the Israelis are also murdering, raping, torturing Christians as well as Muslims.

Free Palestine from the colonial thugs called Israel and there will be peace.

If as you say, Islam were the problem then why did Palestine not have problems until the European Zionist and jewish thugs invaded in 1947. The facts are against you.

I defend justice, rule of law, democracy, human rights and common human decency and that is why I defend Palestinians whether they are Christian or Muslim and that is why I utterly condemn the fascist, racist, murderous Zioraeli State.

Thoughts have energy and now billions of people around the globe want Israel eradicated and wiped from the pages of history. Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and even many Jews want the same thing.

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I have no time for Islam, or Hamas, though Israels subjugation of the Palestinians since 1948 makes them deserving of retribution.

I now believe Israel to be at least as bad, if not worse than the violent Jihadists who want them gone.

So I care less about Israels possible demise, than I care about Zelensky's certain future.

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The problem with calling Hamas and the Palestinian Resistance Jihadists, is that you are then saying the French and Polish Resistance and the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto were terrorists and Jewish and Christian Jihadists.

The reality is that many Palestinians are Christian and they are part of Hamas and the Palestinian Resistance. Are they Christian jihadists or is this a slur just for Muslims?

Why are they Jihadists when they are fighting a just and legal cause for freedom from occupation? And, even if they were, what would it matter because under international law they have a right to fight for their freedom in their homeland.

Using the term Jihadist just plays Israel's game. Most Muslims are not Jihadists just as most, or at least many Jews are not fanatical jihadists either.

Is there a term for Christian, Jewish and Hindu fanatics, of which there are many, or just one for Muslims, Jihadist?

Using that label when discussing the Palestinian fight for freedom and justice is unfair and unjust.

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So dry and devoid of any war romanticism that, still reeling from the shock of recent events, it's a little hard to swallow.

But the “mighty” genocidal army is nonetheless an army utterly dependent on another "mightyness" that is beginning to crack...

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"You may ask what twisted mind could allow that and sacrifice innocent civilians, but to simplify, "You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs” means that it is simply impossible to get something important done without creating a problem for someone else. In other words, sacrifice is necessary for the greater goal. Holly's books also speak about sacrifice at the altar, after all."

Right. The Zionazis are just doing what any filthy human would do. Bullshit.

"Palestinians are facing annihilation or expulsion, and the people of the world, except for a few, do not give a damn."

Right. Because nobody in the ruling class of the west or China gives a shit means "nobody" gives a damn. The better part of wage slave humanity would immediately end the genocide, but they don't matter do they, tough guy?

You're analysis is pretty dispassionate and your predictions are certainly possible, but your ridiculous cynicism makes me wonder how reliable your read really is. You may be convinced by the Zionazi propaganda about just how special and brilliant they are, but let's look at history.

Hitler also has some very impressive victories, but like the Zionazis he just couldn't stop pushing even for the most irrational goals. That wasn't just a character flaw, but the result of an ideology that may sound familiar to you. You see he also thought he and the German people were the chosen, superior race. That a greater power made it so and every tactical victory was further proof of the fact. In other words, he was a delusional lunatic, just as are his beaten step children, the Zionazis. They can enjoy their little tactical victory for Chanukah this year, but theres a long way to go yet and they are possessed of an ideology that has been proven to destroy it's possessor in the end.

Keep watching. Games not over. The world will crush them as it did their stepfather. Mark my words.

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I wish I could share your optimism, but the rulers are the only people who matter. Nobody cares what the people of the wage slave class thinks. Anyway, the Nazis were defeated, not because they were evil, but because I.V. Stalin did what it took to defeat them.

"Blessed are the cynical, for only they have what it takes to succeed." - C. Wright Mills

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The NAZIs weren't defeated. The German army may have been defeated; but the NAZIs weren't. Hitler, Bormann, Kammler and many other senior NAZIs were allowed by the British and Americans to fake their own deaths and flee to Argentina and elsewhere with vast amounts of loot and their high-tech projects. They're now in control of all the NATO/Five-Eyes countries, Ukraine, Israel and others.

"Hitler in Argentina: The Documented Truth of Hitler's Escape from Berlin," by Harry Cooper:


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If we read the last 3000 years of human history in one go, could we be anything other than cynical/realistic.

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Bullshit you are dreaming and living in a fantasy land. Mike is 100% right - "Palestinians are facing annihilation or expulsion, and the people of the world, except for a few, do not give a damn."

Israeli zionist racist evil scum are getting way with murderous genocide and no one gives a damn bar a few in the west or Europe. They have won hands down in the ME now, the axis of resistance is neutered, and no one is running mass demonstrations anywhere in the world! NO ONE.

They have already won. Iran has lost. You have lost. Russia and China will do nothing to rectify anything - all they are are Capitalist Elites too. Money and self-interest Rules everything. The people of the west are too oppressed and too ignorant to know or do any better. Less than 1% have any inkling of reality behind all the propaganda.

But you, and Karl and people like you imagine the whole world knows and thinks like you do. You are fools. Gullible deluded fools.

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So, you think Israel can exterminate 6 million in Occupied Palestine, Christians and Muslims and 2 million in what is called Israel and get away with it? Simply not possible.

And in order to hold Palestine they would then have to exterminate 8 million Palestinians in the Diaspora. Let us return to reality.

Iran has not lost and neither has Palestine, Lebanon or Syria.

Israeli society and economy are crumbling and there is a limit to how many murdered and maimed children anyone can get away with or how big are the rivers of blood.

Remember, Israel cannot survive without the West and the US in particular and more than half of young Americans want Ziorael dismantled. Indeed, so do most young Jews. Times change and so do generations. Investors are walking away from Israel and will not come back to their blood-soaked doors for many decades. Israel cannot last that long. It is self sufficient in nothing but ego, hate and violence.

The Israelis, particularly the young are leaving in droves. There is no future without the young and the soldiers are so brain damaged and mentally ill they are more likely to start shooting up their own families and neighbours than be of any use holding Palestine, Syria and Lebanon.

This is why Naziyahoo wants his war with Iran. He thinks it will draw people together. It is why he invaded Syria so he can play the old game of look how clever Israelis/Jews are. We triumph. We can defeat those pathetic Arabs.

But logic would decree he has bitten off more than he can chew and Israel is going to choke.

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I recommend Mike's realism @ https://bmanalysis.substack.com/p/israel-and-the-fall-of-syria-and/comments plus Jonathon Cook @ https://www.jonathan-cook.net/2024-12-11/syria-assad-pentagon-plan/ instead.

I am not going to argue the details with you or anyone. Drawing your own conclusions is fine by me. It makes no difference to anything.

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Well. If they are diaspora it means they were not particularly disposed to fight for their land in the first place, right? They can talk tough, but the fact is that they fled at the first opportunity.

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No, it means they had no choice but to leave and make a life somewhere else but want to return to their homeland. Never underestimate the power of a Diaspora. And who says they fled at the first opportunity? Too many assumptions on your part.

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I guess Israel just managed to get itself a few more decades. They may even build their third temple and start blood sacrifices again. The 90% of Zionists that aren't Jews will no doubt be in awe and expecting a return of Jesus any moment after that.

Although if the USD hyperinflation clock runs out soon... they just poured more into their cup of wrath.

See, this is why religious wars have a bad name. People do all sorts of things with complete abandon!

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What you write is the unadorned truth. Thanks.

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The clearest, most complete and most logical analysis I've read so far. Thank you!

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I won't read oblique sympathy/admiration of the genocidal Zionist filth.

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You are the first person (which I said in comments but not in an article) to tell the Israel side of the story as it is. The rest are just coping.

Israel is the big winner and not just any winner but turned around what was looking like a loss into this.

The ME will go up in flames and sooner or later (unless the Arabs take a good look at the Greater Israel map and actually do something about it) they will all lose land and become the eternal slaves to Israel.

The question (which I don’t have an answer to) is, what do you think will happen with Egypt?

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Israel isn’t winning anything, the United States is winning. Israel is nothing more than a United States proxy at this point. A United States protectorate or territory. Without big daddy uncle Sam Israel is nothing. So how are all of these war fronts going to remain in Israeli hands when They can’t keep enough conscripts?

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Israel is not winning. It has not defeated Hamas or Hezbollah. Talk of Israel annexing Gaza or the West Bank is ridiculous. To annex something you have to be able to hold it. You have to control it totally.

Without exterminating 6 million in Occupied Palestine Israel can annex nothing. And how would Israel go about exterminating 6 million and get away with it? Then Israel would have to exterminate the 2 million living in what is called Israel. Outdoing the Nazis in numbers, and get away with it.

But still nothing would be secure because there are 8 million Palestinians in the Diaspora. What is Israel going to do? Assassinate them all?

There is so much fantasy rolling around this issue that making sense of it is even more difficult.

But please, tell me, how is Israel going to exterminate 16 million Palestinians which is what it would have to do to successfully and productively hold all of Palestine?

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First your numbers are completely off. The total in the occupied territories is about 3.5m. The Palestinians abroad will talk and protest but most will just accept life and move on eventually. I know many who did.

Second, that is what Syria is for just like Jordan before it. To move the Palestinians.

Third, Hezbollah is out. They’re not helping anymore and neither will Iran. Hamas is in their own and Netanyahu will keep there for as long as it suits him.

Sorry I hate to say it but Palestine is completely screwed. Erdogan fucked every chance while talking a big game as a distraction.

Just watch, after dealing with Syria the next time around Gaza will be emptied and all that’s left is the West Bank. No amount of wishful thinking will help. What Palestine needs is a miracle and miracles are hard to come by these days.

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Israel is already a pariah. If you think the shitraelis can exterminate or expel 6 million in Occupied Palestine, give or take a few hundred thousand slaughtered - remember, Israel issues an ID to every single Palestinian including those in the Gaza concentration camp so we have accurate numbers - you are in denial. And then it would have to exterminate or expel the 2 million living in what is called Israel.

Pushing them into Jordan won't work. Neither will pushing them into Egypt. They won't take them. And how will they do it? Imagine the photos of men, women, children being loaded onto trucks at gunpoint, or walking, staggering at gunpoint, because the images would get out.

Gaza will not be emptied because the Israelis do not control it and cannot control it. They can reduce everything on the surface to rubble but they cannot control it. The Palestinians have planned for this for a long time.

If investors are already walking away from Israel and boycotts and sanctions are growing, and the coward colonists are leaving in droves, just how do you think shitrael could survive mass extermination or expulsion of 6-8 million people? By all means explain how you think it could happen.

Facts, realities, mechanics, dynamics - HOW COULD THEY DO IT?

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Slowly. To Syria.

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Look, the invasion of Syria is great because it just cripples Israel faster. They lost in Gaza and Lebanon so let's see how they go with the Syrians who are even more hardened as fighters.

Israel's economy is in ruins and it cannot even afford this war let alone funding idiot colonists and the army to protect them in Occupied Syria.

Stupid is as stupid does and the Israelis have always been stupid.

p.s. you do realise the invasion of Syria is mostly a propaganda ploy to brainwash idiot Israelis and their supporters that somehow, magically, Israel is on top of this game and winning. It has no substance in any kind of reality or possibility.

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Most companies in Israel have their headquarters in Israel and their operations in the West.

All Israel has to do is make a phone call and suddenly billions in “aid” materializes. Since the west controls the rating agencies nothing serious will happen to their economy.

The settlers are hard core orthodox. Same as in the West Bank. These people are not just in Israel, they’re also in Brooklyn. Jolani just said that he doesn’t want to fight Israel - and he won’t. Sure the Syrians don’t want to lose their land to Israel but who’s gonna stop them? Specifically?

What happens in 5-10 years no one knows. Not you not me. I do know how things stand now. As things stand right now Israel is the biggest beneficiary of the fall of Syria.

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Israel is a piddly little country self sufficient in nothing but rage, hatred, sadism, savagery and ego. Israel needs the world but the world does not need Israel.


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BRICS is the future and they don’t give a toss about Israel, Zionists or Jews.

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Only someone who is incapable of being in the real world could think Israel wins because Assad fell. Israel could not even defeat Hamas, let alone Hezbollah and you think the real fanatics in Syria are going to let Israel keep the Golan Heights let alone what they think they have taken in recent times.

Israelis are leaving in their droves. Investors will not touch the State which is the biggest INTENTIONAL mass murderer of children in history. That stuff does not wash off. Israel is detested around the globe, including by most Americans and increasing numbers of Jews who want it dismantled, eradicated, purged.

Israel cannot destroy the Palestinian or Lebanese Resistance and it certainly cannot destroy the Syrian Resistance which will make mincemeat of the Israeli army, trained only to attack women, children, the old, sick, crippled and helpless.

And welcome to the new world, THE WEST DOES NOT CONTROL THE ECONOMY AND IS IN DECLINE ANYWAY. Europe is a mess, the US is disappearing fast down its own sinkhole and bombs can never win a war. And the bombs will run out. The world does not need Israel and it could disappear in a blink and no-one would notice.

If the shitraelis are as stupid as they appear they will attack Iran and guess what, with all the bombs going in the direction of Iran, the Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese will rise up against their occupiers.

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This side of the pond…watching…waiting. Recently I have become a bit more detached. I am on shelf life. The udder madness is difficult. Prayers up for Mother Russia. Thank you much for your most excellent discourse. Old lady with a virtual kat❤️🇷🇺💙🐈‍⬛

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I wish I could become detached from this American horror show. Instead, I feel more hooked and hopeless as the octopus of empire sends out more tentacles of homicidal psychopaths, agents of chaos destabilising the world for the sake of making more fake money which will take real things from real people with the mentality of slaves.

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Feel this buddy. Maybe it is my shelf life? Aging in place, takes much effort, daily. I too am revulsed by…IT. Some say we are in a simulation, others a lucid dream. I don’t have the answers. I do have psychological, spiritual health. Physically, lower paralysis from a spinal cord injury. I am solid after years of public “health” nursing. A slow wind down, circling the drain… the latest motto I subscribe to…I was born for the Golden Age, yet, I find I am living in the Stone Age. Kali Yuga is mercilessly. Stay the course. Old lady with a virtual kat.🐈‍⬛❤️🇷🇺💙

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The pain of others teaches us to appreciate what we have and enjoy the observation of less noticed beauty, whether it be a bird taking a bath, or a cup of coffee watching a redder dawn. If we fail to accept the lesson, after all this death and another's spinal cord injury, then we are not students of life, only pessimistic narcissists (and the useless children of the optimistic sociopaths).

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It is all too depressing Mike, I could not read it all, barely got half way. I'll share this with readers by Jonathon Cook instead in lieu of saying anything else:

Iran, the last target on the Pentagon’s list, is now fully in the cross-hairs. Deprived of allies in Syria, and now largely cut off from its Hezbollah allies in Lebanon, Tehran is as vulnerable as it has ever been.

Bigger picture

None of this is accidental.

Were western publics not so deeply influenced by years of disinformation from their politicians and media, they might by now be starting to see a bigger picture gradually coming into focus.

One in which the fates of Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Iran hang in the balance together. One in which the western powers, led from Washington, are once again meddling, in violation of international law, to destroy the territorial integrity of each of them. One in which Israel and the West’s geostrategic interests are paramount, not the freedoms or welfare of the region’s people.

Dictators are bad. Killing civilians is bad. But these truisms, selectively prioritised by our feckless media class, have been weaponised to obscure the wider picture.

When westerners see “enemy” governments fall, as Assad’s has just done, or civil wars break out in far-off lands, they are led to assume that these are the geopolitical equivalent of a natural event.

The unexamined premise is that the world is ultimately heading, in fits and starts, towards a liberal democratic order. That is why HTS is repackaging itself, ably assisted by the western media, as newly pragmatic and moderate.

“Moderate”, presumably, in the sense that Saudi Arabia is considered “moderate” in western coverage.

When the West intervenes, so this narrative goes, it is simply to assist the laggards on their path to a final utopia: something akin to the United States, but without Donald Trump, gun crime, opioid and mental health crises, and nearly half of working-age adults deprived of proper healthcare.

Such changes of power, westerners are encouraged to believe, only ever rise from the bottom up, signalling a dictator’s illegitimacy, or maybe the incremental trajectory of political systems from backwardness to greater enlightenment.


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And now Israel has invaded Syria and opened a third front in its war of aggression and domination in the Middle East.

However, since it failed to defeat either the Palestinian or Lebanese Resistance the Israelis are indeed deranged if they think they can take and hold more of Syria or indeed, even retain their occupation of the Golan Heights.

The new regime in Syria cannot be bombed into submission and bombing never wins wars and the Sickraels are very poor fighters on the ground against armed men as opposed to helpless unarmed women, children, the old and sick, so they will take a serious whacking.

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Hopefully when the arrogant Israeli's strike Iran in the near future, Iran retaliates with a devastating blow that ends modern Israel.

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Somewhat disapointing. Not the spirit I was used to find on BMA. Lot's of short term thinking, next to no systemic reasoning. Sorry to give such feedback to what must be one of the new guy's first posts. But quality does not mean copying what one can read on any state of the art telegram channel.

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Somewhat sobering. The spirit of analysis I'm accustomed to finding on BMA. Lots of uncomfortable thinking. next to necessary reasoning. I'm happy to applaud this veteran writer as he takes the helm. Quality means not copying the endless propaganda on every social media channel.

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He used to be better but new mind, new game. I am finding a lot of the old sources seem to be confused, dithering and retreating to simple stories when none of it is simple.

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Appreciate the honesty.

What more can one do?

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Thank you for this clear and straightforward analysis, Mike. I'll include it in my next blog post.

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