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I agree with most of what you write about this. This could have all been avoided if only the Arab and Jewish communities, both descendants of the "Holy Land" would have just decided to respect each other and get along as they did even before the Roman Empire. But, religious zealots from both sides can't do that. I don't believe there will be a 2 state solution, I believe there will be one State with Jewish, Christian, and Moslem faith-based communities living under Arab control. Just like the old days, natural and mostly peaceful. I believe the U.S. will continue its decline and fall due to inept, greedy, and corrupt leadership at all levels of government regardless of which party is in control. The wild card in all of this is "The Village Idiot" now sitting in the Whitehouse. No telling what he might do, he doesn't know. I am a hillbilly from WV and I have no skin in this game, just an opinion.

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Good comment. Thanks👍

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Multicultural States exist only as a continuous power broking by a strong hegemon: e.g. GAE works as a power broking of the different mafias (AIPAC, CIA, Hohols, Eurocrats, Banking Cartels, China Lobby...).

Otherwise, they are fiction, like Lebanon: in Lebanon everything is "privatized" i.e. controlled by ethnic clique (Sunni, Shia and Maronites).

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You're right :))


I pointed out what the interests of several powers might be.

How the reality later could look like is an entirely different question.

And I won't speculate yet, as long as still the big games didn't start.

But basically you're right.

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Imho Swiss are a single population that speaks three languages. That said, at a closer look Switzerland looks a lot like Lebanon.

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True. Definitely the case for Ukraine (Hohols as you affectionately called them :) )

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Bullshit, the classic "both sides are bad" sophistry which hides the reality of the settler colonizers and their drive for lebensraum as the real cause of the conflict. This all started with the massive influx of settlers from the 1920s onwards and then the Nakba ethnic cleansing which was the real cause of the first Arab-Israeli War. The Israelis have gone out of their way to kill every peace initiative and to undermine Palestinian leaders who pushed for a peaceful solution. When the US is in terminal decline then the Israelis may sue for peace, after attempting to grab as much land as possible in the interim. The Arabs will remember their continual treachery and the result will be inevitable, the Israelis are sealing their own demise as a nation.

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"The Israelis have gone out of their way to kill every peace initiative and to undermine Palestinian leaders who pushed for a peaceful solution".

They even kill their own that want peace IE Yitzhak Rabin. And that had NuttyYahoo's dirty fingerprints all over it.

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You twist events to mask the jewish terrorism that was introduced by the Irgun, Stern gang, and other genocidal greedy ahskeNAZI filth.

You ignore that all (Christian, Jew, and Muslim) prior to that in Palestine did respect each other and got along quite well.

I don't think you're a troll trying to insert Zionist disinfo, but rather a person who is naive and with a child like "understanding" of the issues. And unfortunately that seems to be common.

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