"Both sides are odious" you immediately gave yourself away there. The actions of the armed wing of an occupied people against their occupiers and oppressors are not odious, they are entirely justified. Are you going to tell me that the armed wing of the Warsaw Ghetto were "odious". This is classic sophistry meant to hide the truth. Without Hamas the residents of Gaza are simply unarmed concentration camp residents, sheep ready for the Israeli slaughter and ethnic cleansing. Israel is a settler colonizing apartheid regime that wants to establish its own lebensraum based on the Zionist interpretations of the assertions of a religious text that is about as historically accurate as the Iliad.

The answer has always been simple, the UNSC takes the lands into its management by the necessary force and imposes the 1947 boundaries, which will involve the removal of all the illegal settlers. The school curricula will also have to be imposed, as with post-WW2 Germany to remove the teachings of religious supremacy and racist hatred.

Of course, this will not happen so Israel will continue on its course to eventual destruction as the power of the US and the West recedes. The Israelis are simply adding to the absolute hatred that will be rent upon them rather than seeking a true compromise (which they have never, ever tried). We are seeing the desperate thrashings of a declining Empire and its vassal.

The 1947 boundaries were imposed by a UN without the Soviet Union yet taking its chair at the UNSC and China represented by Taiwan. So these boundaries, which were highly slanted to benefit the Jewish population, were basically an imposition of the Western powers and lack any real legitimacy.

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Totally agree, with one exception. See my comment about the "creation" of the state of Israel. Under the UN Partition Plan land would be given to the Zionists only if both Zionists and Arabs approved the plan. The Arabs flatly reject it, at which point the Zionists took matters into their own hands and the result was the Nakba.


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It's a tough topic and Aleks has done well.

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It is certainly a tough topic if the underlying assumptions are faulty.

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Assumption sometimes rhymes with arrogance.

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Thank you Roger for articulating a thorough response. It is wonderful to read that someone has a full grasp on the situation. It would wonderful to read more from you...

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I am not going to make this a long comment. I might write a longer one later on (though I can’t promise because I don’t want to break my promise).

You’re too easy on Israel/Zionists and Jews. I’m not saying that the bulk of Jews and Israelis are to blame for all this. What I’m saying is they’re not just innocent bystanders that are being used by some hidden force like unwitting pawns.

I have studied both Jewish history and religion extensively, in addition to observations of modern Jews both in public and private. This is what I have to say.

The majority of Jews are brainwashed. In fact, person for person they are the most brainwashed people on earth. Since birth they are inculcated with two false axioms:

1) They are hated by everyone and everyone wants to kill them. Not because of their attitudes towards the nations they live among or their actions against those nations and/or its people. But because of their religion/ethnicity. Only because they’re jewish, and they’re blameless in all of it while the others are pure evil.

2) They are superior. They have a superior mind. They have a superior religion. They have a superior army. In fact, they are so superior that they represent a different kind of human that there are the Jews and then there are everyone else (goyim). I’m sure you’ve heard of the superiority of the “Jewish mind” or the purity of the “Jewish soul”. These statements are taken seriously. Some will say that’s strictly the Talmudic Jews (Orthodox and the like). Not true. Even secular Jews believe the same. They just don’t present it in religious terms.

These two points create a sense of supremacy and victimhood wherein

1) Any act they do that is demonstrably evil is accepted by them as justified,

2) The response to any perceived slight (real or imaginary) against them needs to be so great that the destruction of their adversary needs to be total regardless of how disproportionate the reaction is, and

3) They all need to stick together no matter how evil the act perpetrated is when the perpetrator is Jewish

Obviously that does not describe ALL Jews and there are some that have woken up from the brainwashing and speak out on the side of the truth (so called “self hating Jews”). However, you can see clearly from the reactions to the Gaza bombing and the plight of the Palestinians for the last 75 years that it applies to the majority.

So although, like you, I accept that a nation for the Jewish people has the right to exist, I do not - NOT FOR ONE SECOND - accept that they are innocent pawns in this great game. They are not only willing participants, they are also driving the train.

If you take that into account the calculus changes considerably.

I hope you do that.

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Very good post. I accept your expertise. Thank you for your contribution. You're always free to expand your explanation 👍


Most/All people fail after having criticised Jews/Zionist when asked about what to do. Yes, these people perhaps genuinely have a superiority complex. But other people have as well. What to do? Both, you and I say they should have their land. All further questions are never addressed. By no-one.

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What to do?

That’s the so-called “Jewish Question” now isn’t it? Has been around for a very long time.

The Roman solution doesn’t work.

Them having their own land where it’s only their people is one axis of breaking down that brainwashing. When you’re confronted by that reality of who they are every day and there is no one else to blame, people’s minds change.

Another thing is the breakdown of their religious beliefs. Did you know that Jews are forbidden from even reading the New Testament? In Israel it is illegal to sell it in bookstores. Why? Because it would shatter the Talmudic veil that the elites (and other brainwashed Jews) use to keep them in line. Sadly most Protestant Americans have fallen under the heresy of Christian Zionism so instead of fulfilling their role in introducing the Jews to THEIR messiah, they support keeping him away from them.

Another especially for diaspora Jews is to be identifiable who is and who is not Jewish. Jews are not white. This is self evident as there are Ethiopian Jews, Moroccan Jews, Iranian Jews etc. They are there own group of origin, even by their own admission, so it does them no insult to be identified as such. I know this brings bad memories but throughout history that was the case. What that does is it assigns credit to them when they do good but also blame when they don’t. It’s actually very fair.

However in my opinion, the best thing is for them to join humanity. They need to be de-brainwashed. Destroy the myth that it was always the others fault and they’re always blameless. That other times it had nothing to do with their Jewishness but normal empire behavior (like the Romans). In short, neither their suffering nor their excellence is due to their Jewishness or that they’re unique or special in it. It’s painful when you’ve spent your whole life believing this but they’re growing pains and that’s good for them.

However, none of this achievable until the non-Jews accept those facts and in large enough numbers. It is also important to approach it unemotionally without hate, which only repeats the cycle.

If it was easily solvable we wouldn’t be in this situation today but here are some ideas to start.

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Lastly, what about Israel/Palestine?

That’s the easiest to solve actually. And it has already been solved by the UN 242 resolution (or 181 but that’s not happening).

Two states along the borders defined in the resolution which provides for a contiguous and viable Palestinian state. Could be different as long as both are UNHAPPY with it but I’m more inclined to just stick with the resolution. If people have to move then they move. Tough luck. Some reasonable compensation can be agreed upon.

Peace treaty with ALL their neighbors. Only Egypt and Jordan is NOT ENOUGH.

Security guarantees from the UNSC and especially from the Great Powers (Russia, China, USA).

We’re a long way from this - if there is still an Israel after this - but that is the only viable sustainable solution.

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Thank you for posting your comment. Very informative. Well written.

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Thank you

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Other people have that sense of superiority. However, there are important differences.

It’s not just superiority but also victimhood. The combination is what makes it dangerous because then everything is excusable and sticking together as a group is paramount to everything and supersedes any notion of good or morality. In fact, helping your group is the only thing that is good ... everything else is in service to that.

Second, network. They are global. Whether by chance or by design it is what it is. The sense of cohesion - again - comes from the two false axioms they are taught. If you’re superior and everyone else is the enemy then you better stick to your people.

Third, verbal intelligence. They are, and that is a fact, good with words (on average). With that comes the ability to convince and persuade, which can be used to influence other people for good but also to deceive. That element is the least of the three though. Plenty of people are good “with words” and it is a skill that can be taught.

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They are the only people that can punch you in the face and sincerely say "OUCH"!

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"It has the right to exist because it was established and legitimized by the United Nations. By all major nations"

By that reasoning, large & powerful nations have the "right" to steal land from small & weak nations, evict the small nations' people, & give it to someone else.

By what right? Power. That is might makes right, no more or less.

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Well, you need some regulations. If there would be none, we would live in anarchy. And yes, you're right. That was the situation in 1948. Might was right. Is it the right thing? I won't judge that. I haven't been born back then. We can only write about it.

By the way. Almost all nations existing currently somehow got their borders by some kind of power projection. Most of them several centuries in the past. Take America. Was it right how it was colonialized and the native people displaced and killed? I won't comment on that but does it mean that America (USA) has no right to exist?

We can't go down that road and discussion. At least, I won't do that. It brings us down to the darkest places a human being can go.

By the way... America was only one example out of dozens. But it is the most well-known.

Nevertheless, I fully understand you and your feelings. But again, it is not up to me to judge on that. We can only observe and describe. Nothing more.

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America earned its right to exist by defeating the British and establishing the original 13 United States of America. What they did subsequently, however, was to kill off the Native Americans and expand west through wars and usurpation of land (though some land they purchased, such as the Louisiana Territory and Alaska). That genocide of Native Americans and the colonial expansion were the wrong part, not the establishment of the State.

The Zionists did what the Americans did in their expansion efforts - they took by force what wasn't theirs. Yes, you can say that "might makes right" and America today is therefore legitimate, but I doubt you will convince the surviving Native Americans of that - at least not the ones with any pride left among them.

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That it was somehow acceptable in 1948, or has been done historically, does not make it ethically right, morally right, acceptable, "the right thing to do" or in any way, shape or form, *smart.*

Any more than the fact that genocide has been committed historically.

It makes it the direct cause of "terrorism" aka asymmetric warfare by the robbed.

Right now, it is on track to lead to a hot WW3 & possible global nuclear holocaust.

The US was built on genocide; that doesn't make it right. It does make it very bad karma. The sins of the fathers are visited upon their children. Live by genocide; die by genocide. If we do not do better, we will get what our forefather's deserved...

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I can follow your "morally wrong" argumentation.

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You were right not to get lost in the high weeds of Zionism & who really is a Semite. Your perspective has also unplugged all the emotional generators unknowingly juicing haphazard actions, void of any idea of repercussions. Good show.

All of us who have no skin in this game -- other than cringing at the possibility of a worst case for the homo sapiens sapiens' evolutionary platform -- comprehend exactly what you are saying.

Thank you for your efforts.

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Thank you very much.

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"the high weeds of Zionism"

I'd say a filthy sewer is a better metaphor.

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For many, you are spot on. But there is a much, much deeper and more profound energy at work here. It overrides logic, all the positive emotions, any and all virtue. It's as if part of our genetic autonomy has been lobotomized.

You may need to do a little research before reacting. But, what we are looking at is an embedded Conditioning (e.g. Pavlov's dogs) that has become perpetually self-reinforced. . .so well-hidden behind the veil of religion.

Off the top of your head, what are the first two human emotions in the story of Eden? Guilt and shame. And this guilt and shame, branded in our psyches, are alive and well today whether we like it or not.

Perhaps the question we should be asking is "How do you un-condition a Conditioned Response?" Good luck! The guilt and shame and all the subsequent negative emotions are repeated over and over requiring no direction or input from our minds. It is a perpetual machine of (Conditioned) Stimulus --> (Conditioned) Response.

We need to figure this out. And, Aleks -- like many others -- are right in the middle, doing just that. Thank you.

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Thank you👍

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Realization that martyrdom sentiment you brought here and in your previous articles might actually be the case sends cold shivers down my spine. But the more I think about it and the more I talk with people from that region, the more I realize that they are totally capable of this kind of thinking and action. Absolutely soul crushing perpective.

What makes you think Russia and China are down with the martyrdom plan? Especially considering that Iran covertly triggered the attack. This does not seem like a solution. The human lives cost is unimaginable.

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Very good Lux. I share the same feelings.

To be honest... I can't use this as an analysis... But my personal opinion is that we are witnessing a giant chicken game between the East and the West. And that the East (Russia and China) is counting on a withdrawal of the United States from places they occupy worldwide to avoid a global disaster. And I also believe that this can go seriously wrong.

I do not support everything BRICS does. One need to keep it's own head working.

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Exactly, it is in the interests of the rising powers to maintain peace. For the falling power its interests are in war before it is too weak, or as a murder suicider take everything down with it if it cant be in control.

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Your analysis makes a lot of sense, Aleks. But from humanitarian point of view I sincerely hope that the East has some other plan in this game. There should be people in each block who realize that this is not the way forward.

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I fully agree.

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Doesn't seem like a solution to me either, rather like Palestinians will be, or already are used like proxies.

What a cruel world we live in!

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We do...

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You just need to rise above the atheist materialist sentiment and you too will realize that Man is not an animal or an individual but a creature meant to be part of something bigger. Self-sacrifice, including martyrdom but also in it's lesser forms, is a normal and natural part of human life that is actually what enables us to be where we are today. Civilization is impossible without "turning the other cheek". And civilized peoples fight through martyrdom! (Savages fight by ambushing their opponents thereby creating the possibility of not suffering any casualties whereas civilized folk fight in formations which guarrantie some casualties on your own side - and also necessitates that somebody take the front row where it's virtually certain they will get killed or wounded. This is impossible to pull off without a culture of martyrdom.)

> What makes you think Russia and China are down with the martyrdom plan?

Because the people who will do the dying are OK with the plan? That plus participation in the culture of martyrdom which is an obligatory prerequisite for civilization - as hinted above.

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I agree that there is a notion of self-sacrifice in Slavic and many other traditions (probably Chinese too, am not an expert). The thing is, it is noble when it is a conscious choice for the greater good. I am not sure the people of Gaza or the cities that could potentially be nuked are conscious of the choice and their fate. What is definitely not present in Slavic culture is sacrificing others for your own good. Hence my reservations regarding global east bein a part of such a plan. This is not the way to solve issues in general. As you said, humans are not (entirely) animals. I also come from a deep feeling that human life is the greatest value there is.

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There is no real honor or justice in sacrificing others, especially if they didn't know they were to be sacrificed. I agree with you. As for Gaza and others, I don't really know what is going on in there. IF the decision has been made to intentionally risk getting nuked then there are a number of ways the decision could have been rationalized. One dumb and straightforward way is to say "we have been selected by our people to provide for them but we can't do that without risking those people; this risk seems worthwhile".

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I dunno.

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Another quick one.

I believes that some elements were aware of the Hamas attack and let it happen. Not necessarily at the highest levels in the US or Israel but someone knew and allowed it to happen. If you’re looking for evidence it’s out there.

Israel wants the US to fight its war against Iran. There is no conceivable reason why Iran would want to start this now. Not with the entrance into the BRICS and it’s détente with Saudi Arabia. US decline was already in progress and in another 3-5 years it would have reached its final destination without a single shot fired. This, though doesn’t put this in jeopardy, it introduces a black swan that could either slow down (good for the empire) or speed it up (bad).

Israel is aware of this and due to a combination of miscalculation and hope believe that this can help it finally achieve its goal of greater Israel before the end of US power in the region.

I’m also not so sanguine on the US not coming to the rescue of Israel if things go really badly. You don’t take into account the influence of the Israel lobby and influence of Jewish Americans in general in US politics. They perceive the attack on Israel as an attack on Jewish people everywhere (or trying to portray it that way) so they will not let go that easily. The only thing that will put a limit on this is the Pentagon and the self preservation of non-Jewish elites.

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Yes, I think Aleks fails to take into account that Israel, the US and the UK are all controlled by the same group.

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No I don't. I wrote that literally exactly that way in the previous article. In Genesis.

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Well, in that case, when you write, "To be able to protect Israel against a concentrated attack, which COULD (I’m not convinced, yet) follow after a Gaza invasion, America would need to abandon all/most other areas. Which it won’t," in my opinion, your assessment is wrong. An attack on Israel is an attack on the US and the US will do whatever it takes to defend Israel (and to provide a convenient distraction from political and financial collapse in the US. Whatever it takes.

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I fully believe that all parties involved wanted this conflict to happen very badly.

Every party for its own reasons. Maybe I failed to point that out. I tried to hint to it in the final chapter of this article for example.

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I think that’s where we differ.

My understanding (theory) is based on that someone somewhere in the US and Israel knew the attack will happen and let it happen. They might not have known the exact time and date or how brutal it will be but they knew.

If that’s the case, then Israel and/or US wanted it to happen not Iran (for the reasons I mentioned above). They wanted it for the same reason that even though Israel was aware of the attack on the Yom Kippour war, they didn’t do a preemptive strike.

First, ethnically cleanse Gaza. They expected the barbarity of the attack would keep world opinion with them. It didn’t and they miscalculated.

Second, draw Syria and Iran in and have a pretext for that war. They are still focused on Russia. Since both are friends and allies of Russia, this - in their again wrong calculation - stretches Russia.

Third, three of the new entrants to BRICS are directly affected by this - Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Iran (and potentially the UAE to some extent). It doesn’t stop that but a military victory might make them question that decision. Again, wrong calculation.

I’m not married to this theory, and it’s possible that BOTH sides wanted it. However, the argument for only US/Israel with the evidence from the Israeli response on the day of the attack makes it stronger.

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I like your subtitles to your articles, very appropriate:

Genesis before... now Exodus. :)

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Haha thank you :) You're the first one to mention it :)))

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I agree with most of what you write about this. This could have all been avoided if only the Arab and Jewish communities, both descendants of the "Holy Land" would have just decided to respect each other and get along as they did even before the Roman Empire. But, religious zealots from both sides can't do that. I don't believe there will be a 2 state solution, I believe there will be one State with Jewish, Christian, and Moslem faith-based communities living under Arab control. Just like the old days, natural and mostly peaceful. I believe the U.S. will continue its decline and fall due to inept, greedy, and corrupt leadership at all levels of government regardless of which party is in control. The wild card in all of this is "The Village Idiot" now sitting in the Whitehouse. No telling what he might do, he doesn't know. I am a hillbilly from WV and I have no skin in this game, just an opinion.

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Good comment. Thanks👍

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Multicultural States exist only as a continuous power broking by a strong hegemon: e.g. GAE works as a power broking of the different mafias (AIPAC, CIA, Hohols, Eurocrats, Banking Cartels, China Lobby...).

Otherwise, they are fiction, like Lebanon: in Lebanon everything is "privatized" i.e. controlled by ethnic clique (Sunni, Shia and Maronites).

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You're right :))


I pointed out what the interests of several powers might be.

How the reality later could look like is an entirely different question.

And I won't speculate yet, as long as still the big games didn't start.

But basically you're right.

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Imho Swiss are a single population that speaks three languages. That said, at a closer look Switzerland looks a lot like Lebanon.

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True. Definitely the case for Ukraine (Hohols as you affectionately called them :) )

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Bullshit, the classic "both sides are bad" sophistry which hides the reality of the settler colonizers and their drive for lebensraum as the real cause of the conflict. This all started with the massive influx of settlers from the 1920s onwards and then the Nakba ethnic cleansing which was the real cause of the first Arab-Israeli War. The Israelis have gone out of their way to kill every peace initiative and to undermine Palestinian leaders who pushed for a peaceful solution. When the US is in terminal decline then the Israelis may sue for peace, after attempting to grab as much land as possible in the interim. The Arabs will remember their continual treachery and the result will be inevitable, the Israelis are sealing their own demise as a nation.

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"The Israelis have gone out of their way to kill every peace initiative and to undermine Palestinian leaders who pushed for a peaceful solution".

They even kill their own that want peace IE Yitzhak Rabin. And that had NuttyYahoo's dirty fingerprints all over it.

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You twist events to mask the jewish terrorism that was introduced by the Irgun, Stern gang, and other genocidal greedy ahskeNAZI filth.

You ignore that all (Christian, Jew, and Muslim) prior to that in Palestine did respect each other and got along quite well.

I don't think you're a troll trying to insert Zionist disinfo, but rather a person who is naive and with a child like "understanding" of the issues. And unfortunately that seems to be common.

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Actually, the Partition Plan was never implemented because its implementation depended on both Arab and Zionist approval. The Arabs flatly rejected it. Consequently, the Zionists took the decision to take the land anyway. Again, Foreign Policy Journal has an excellent write-up on the history of the partition Plan:


Bottom line - The UN did NOT create Israel. The Zionists stole the land from the Palestinians, forced them off the land, killing many thousands of innocent people and bulldozing their homes. Only by the "rights of might" (and a few bribes) did the UN finally give in and recognise Israel as a legitimate state. The subsequent 75 years since has seen nothing but pain and further loss for the Palestinians who never won their freedom and whose land and people continue to be squeezed into smaller and smaller areas. Israel has never wanted a two-state solution as they see all this Palestinian land (and more than just Palestine!) as God-given and will never, ever compromise on that - no matter where it takes the rest of the world (WWIII and/or Samson Option). On the other hand, the Palestinians see this land as their ancestral lands and will never, ever accept that Israel is anything other than a cruel occupier who needs to be banished and their lands and homes restored.

As for there being an Israel that is ruled by Arabs, this was once possible as they lived in peace with one another, but since the Zionists moved in, no such possibility exists today - or ever will. This is a fight to the death. You say that it is not important to distinguish Jew and Zionist. That is a mistake. It is crucial to do so for a proper understanding of what is going on there. Jews and Arabs are capable of living together in peace. Zionists are not as they are on a "holy" mission.

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Judaism and Ziosim cann not be separated. One gave birth to the other.

The occupiers brought terrorism to Palestine. Ask the Brits how their administrators soldiers fared.

Begin, the hideous deformed looking creature, even admitted they were terrorists and justified it as means to an end. Looks like he was correct after all, the "end" is coming.

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I also agree that a regional war is on the near horizon. My daughter knows an Australian moron in the army and he said they have been told by their US overlords to get ready for deployment.

So once again the deadheads in the AOF will participate in more war crimes and die for Zionism and empire. And the fuckwits will believe they are doing it to keep Australia safe.

This is actually a great opportunity to rid ourselves of fascists within our countries. They will die under missile barrages. Too bad. Not really.

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Haha you don't like this moron, do you🤣😅👍

Well, I have also information that Australia is gearing up for war.

Whatever that might mean...

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" I have also information that Australia is gearing up for war"

Beyond what the MSM reports? Do tell.

A Russian naval ship has docked in Indonesia, Khinzals on board.

Say goodbye to Pine Gap, Uncle Sam.

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Thanks for the piece. However, The elephant 🐘 in the room that you didn’t touch on is the solution that’s better than your solution! Instead of the outdated 2 state solution, have you thought about the ONE state solution? One man. One vote. Democracy at its best. That’s the only way forward. Just as the name Rhodesia was changed to Zimbabwe, so will the name Israel change. Call it something else. How about Israelistine?? I was disappointed to see your solution was not imaginative enough. Thank you again for the piece.

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I have nothing against that solution. Really. If the international community (which one now?1🤣) agrees to such a scenario, that's good as well.

I'm Serb and a former Yugslav. Yugoslavia initially, 1945 was one of very few nations to support exactly this one state solution.

Nevertheless, it's not up to me or us...

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The Two State solution was never taken seriously by the Zionists. It was a ploy to give time for more land grabs.

They can't and won't tolerate a neighbouring Palestinian nation state, as nation states have a UN seat and the right to a full military.

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Two state solution died in the 1990's. Anyway, nowadays, only about 30% of Palestinians support the idea. The two state solution train has long ago left the station.

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A one state solution will end in a two state solution after a civil war.

Birth rates of Palestinians and Orthodox Jews are high, with secular Jews low in relation. What you end up with is two groups that hate and want to kill each other (because ironically they are similar) holding most of the power.

That’s a recipe for civil war. After many dead on both sides (probably again more Palestinians) they’ll decide to separate and end up with ...

... A Two State Solution.

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If the Jews can free themselves from Zionism, there is no reason why they can’t coexist peacefully. They did before 1948 or certainly before the “Zionist project”. Jews have to decide whether they want to live as part of the neighborhood as normal neighbors or they want to remain an outpost of western interests/colonialism. Fear of Israel acted as a deterrent for decades. Now, that fear is gone for ever and so Israel is truly at a crossroad. Live/coexist as normal neighbors or continue to see the noose getting tighter and tighter. The “barbarians” (using the term as an expression) are not only at the gate but they’ve stormed/penetrated the gate! The genie is out of the bottle. The ball is in Israel’s court. I hope they choose wisely. No reason not to coexist.

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Look. The only valid reason against the two state solution is the both need to be viable and contiguous. Arguably that’s a tough task and requires detailed negotiations but I’m sure a solution that both will be UNHAPPY about can be found.

Yes I said unhappy.

The single state runs into what I described. Demographics is destiny. There’s just no way around it. Now by some miracle the Palestinians when their standard of living increases they might have less babies. But what about the Orthodox Jews? They’re pretty wealthy with high standard of living but still have as many as possible. Even the secular Israelis are having problems with them RIGHT NOW because of their demographics. I don’t see this ever changing.

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It does look like Israel's rhetoric has backed itself into the Gaza invasion option.

This situation is like a slow moving train wreck, we can all see it coming, but can nothing to stop it.

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Unfortunately, yes…

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The comments from IOF scum seem to show they are planning to continue bombing until nothing is left above ground. And then bunker buster? They don't have the courage for a ground invasion.

It's frustrating as the bombing campaign causes more Palestinian civilian casualties than a ground invasion would. The carpet, and precision, bombing should be the red line for the Resistance.

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So appreciate your gifts; you have many. I say this with a bit of the “bright bulb” syndrome; I read, listen, watch, sense…and clarify, adjust, ponder my thinking/acions. My responses are measured; emotional maturity has been gained thru many decade, aka…shelf life. Learning curve. I stand to be corrected often as I came to study of the Great Work, late in life. Sure wish you were “local”; so I could squeeze and hug you, right. Old lady with a virtual cat❤️🐈‍⬛

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Thank you so much ma'am. I appreciate always your very nice comments 🤗

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Thank You, Aleks. This is very good work. You're getting lots of flak.

We know what that means...

Sigh , you are over the target.

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Thanks John 🤗👍

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I'm going to be impolite and post the cow game in this situation - https://mikehampton.substack.com/p/red-cow-god-war-middle-east-al-aqsa

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Never seen such excellent analysis of this madness by people who care in the alternative media as we do now independent of any State propaganda and Alex is doing his best to discuss with clarity and reach understandings about this insanity .

This is an upside that has never happened before that I can see.

It’d say it’s checkmate for he USA, Israel on their cynical delusional rules based order.

No nukes unless the USA goes first which they did before in Japan.

The final bluff?

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Thank you:))

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