If the Jews can free themselves from Zionism, there is no reason why they can’t coexist peacefully. They did before 1948 or certainly before the “Zionist project”. Jews have to decide whether they want to live as part of the neighborhood as normal neighbors or they want to remain an outpost of western interests/colonialism. Fear of Israe…
If the Jews can free themselves from Zionism, there is no reason why they can’t coexist peacefully. They did before 1948 or certainly before the “Zionist project”. Jews have to decide whether they want to live as part of the neighborhood as normal neighbors or they want to remain an outpost of western interests/colonialism. Fear of Israel acted as a deterrent for decades. Now, that fear is gone for ever and so Israel is truly at a crossroad. Live/coexist as normal neighbors or continue to see the noose getting tighter and tighter. The “barbarians” (using the term as an expression) are not only at the gate but they’ve stormed/penetrated the gate! The genie is out of the bottle. The ball is in Israel’s court. I hope they choose wisely. No reason not to coexist.
Look. The only valid reason against the two state solution is the both need to be viable and contiguous. Arguably that’s a tough task and requires detailed negotiations but I’m sure a solution that both will be UNHAPPY about can be found.
Yes I said unhappy.
The single state runs into what I described. Demographics is destiny. There’s just no way around it. Now by some miracle the Palestinians when their standard of living increases they might have less babies. But what about the Orthodox Jews? They’re pretty wealthy with high standard of living but still have as many as possible. Even the secular Israelis are having problems with them RIGHT NOW because of their demographics. I don’t see this ever changing.
If the Jews can free themselves from Zionism, there is no reason why they can’t coexist peacefully. They did before 1948 or certainly before the “Zionist project”. Jews have to decide whether they want to live as part of the neighborhood as normal neighbors or they want to remain an outpost of western interests/colonialism. Fear of Israel acted as a deterrent for decades. Now, that fear is gone for ever and so Israel is truly at a crossroad. Live/coexist as normal neighbors or continue to see the noose getting tighter and tighter. The “barbarians” (using the term as an expression) are not only at the gate but they’ve stormed/penetrated the gate! The genie is out of the bottle. The ball is in Israel’s court. I hope they choose wisely. No reason not to coexist.
Look. The only valid reason against the two state solution is the both need to be viable and contiguous. Arguably that’s a tough task and requires detailed negotiations but I’m sure a solution that both will be UNHAPPY about can be found.
Yes I said unhappy.
The single state runs into what I described. Demographics is destiny. There’s just no way around it. Now by some miracle the Palestinians when their standard of living increases they might have less babies. But what about the Orthodox Jews? They’re pretty wealthy with high standard of living but still have as many as possible. Even the secular Israelis are having problems with them RIGHT NOW because of their demographics. I don’t see this ever changing.