"It has the right to exist because it was established and legitimized by the United Nations. By all major nations"
By that reasoning, large & powerful nations have the "right" to steal land from small & weak nations, evict the small nations' people, & give it to someone else.
By what right? Power. That is might makes right, no more or less.
"It has the right to exist because it was established and legitimized by the United Nations. By all major nations"
By that reasoning, large & powerful nations have the "right" to steal land from small & weak nations, evict the small nations' people, & give it to someone else.
By what right? Power. That is might makes right, no more or less.
Well, you need some regulations. If there would be none, we would live in anarchy. And yes, you're right. That was the situation in 1948. Might was right. Is it the right thing? I won't judge that. I haven't been born back then. We can only write about it.
By the way. Almost all nations existing currently somehow got their borders by some kind of power projection. Most of them several centuries in the past. Take America. Was it right how it was colonialized and the native people displaced and killed? I won't comment on that but does it mean that America (USA) has no right to exist?
We can't go down that road and discussion. At least, I won't do that. It brings us down to the darkest places a human being can go.
By the way... America was only one example out of dozens. But it is the most well-known.
Nevertheless, I fully understand you and your feelings. But again, it is not up to me to judge on that. We can only observe and describe. Nothing more.
America earned its right to exist by defeating the British and establishing the original 13 United States of America. What they did subsequently, however, was to kill off the Native Americans and expand west through wars and usurpation of land (though some land they purchased, such as the Louisiana Territory and Alaska). That genocide of Native Americans and the colonial expansion were the wrong part, not the establishment of the State.
The Zionists did what the Americans did in their expansion efforts - they took by force what wasn't theirs. Yes, you can say that "might makes right" and America today is therefore legitimate, but I doubt you will convince the surviving Native Americans of that - at least not the ones with any pride left among them.
That it was somehow acceptable in 1948, or has been done historically, does not make it ethically right, morally right, acceptable, "the right thing to do" or in any way, shape or form, *smart.*
Any more than the fact that genocide has been committed historically.
It makes it the direct cause of "terrorism" aka asymmetric warfare by the robbed.
Right now, it is on track to lead to a hot WW3 & possible global nuclear holocaust.
The US was built on genocide; that doesn't make it right. It does make it very bad karma. The sins of the fathers are visited upon their children. Live by genocide; die by genocide. If we do not do better, we will get what our forefather's deserved...
"It has the right to exist because it was established and legitimized by the United Nations. By all major nations"
By that reasoning, large & powerful nations have the "right" to steal land from small & weak nations, evict the small nations' people, & give it to someone else.
By what right? Power. That is might makes right, no more or less.
Well, you need some regulations. If there would be none, we would live in anarchy. And yes, you're right. That was the situation in 1948. Might was right. Is it the right thing? I won't judge that. I haven't been born back then. We can only write about it.
By the way. Almost all nations existing currently somehow got their borders by some kind of power projection. Most of them several centuries in the past. Take America. Was it right how it was colonialized and the native people displaced and killed? I won't comment on that but does it mean that America (USA) has no right to exist?
We can't go down that road and discussion. At least, I won't do that. It brings us down to the darkest places a human being can go.
By the way... America was only one example out of dozens. But it is the most well-known.
Nevertheless, I fully understand you and your feelings. But again, it is not up to me to judge on that. We can only observe and describe. Nothing more.
America earned its right to exist by defeating the British and establishing the original 13 United States of America. What they did subsequently, however, was to kill off the Native Americans and expand west through wars and usurpation of land (though some land they purchased, such as the Louisiana Territory and Alaska). That genocide of Native Americans and the colonial expansion were the wrong part, not the establishment of the State.
The Zionists did what the Americans did in their expansion efforts - they took by force what wasn't theirs. Yes, you can say that "might makes right" and America today is therefore legitimate, but I doubt you will convince the surviving Native Americans of that - at least not the ones with any pride left among them.
That it was somehow acceptable in 1948, or has been done historically, does not make it ethically right, morally right, acceptable, "the right thing to do" or in any way, shape or form, *smart.*
Any more than the fact that genocide has been committed historically.
It makes it the direct cause of "terrorism" aka asymmetric warfare by the robbed.
Right now, it is on track to lead to a hot WW3 & possible global nuclear holocaust.
The US was built on genocide; that doesn't make it right. It does make it very bad karma. The sins of the fathers are visited upon their children. Live by genocide; die by genocide. If we do not do better, we will get what our forefather's deserved...
I can follow your "morally wrong" argumentation.