Don’t say “the Americans”, it’s not exactly correct. It’s more accurate to say “the neocons”. They are the ones controlling USG foreign policy, the White House, the budget, both sides of the aisle.

The neocons don’t care at all about USA as a country or its people. They only care about utilizing the USG for their own agenda. It’s this rampant corruption that’s destroying USA from within. It’s the same type of unconscious corruption that’s destroying Ukraine as a country too.

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No worries. I never mean the American people. I like the American people, America itself and its constitution. It is only pain to go into details who I really mean and who not. That's why I prefer the short form "Americans". We have Americans in the BMA staff hence, in the meanwhile this is a joint American, Canadian and Serbian project.

I hope no American (except the assholes, who we all know) is offended when I write "The Americans". I apologize for that.

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I think Big Serge recently used the expression "Amerocons" to describe the assholes? It's a good expression!

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In the future, human population won’t be so interested in personal wealth as they are today. But for that to happen consciousness has to be raised. That’s why communism never worked because mass consciousness has never been at the point it needs to be for that system to work. Same as with capitalism. It seems no system will work when consciousness is low. That’s what it is all about.

All the crazy things happening today can be summed up as the planet clearing itself of low consciousness. Because in the future, low consciousness will not be able to exist on this planet. It’s evolution. And it has already started.

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The American people have literally no relation to the neocons and people occupying the White House. But I guess that goes for every country too. Gov’s are only a control mechanism to extract wealth from the people.

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I don't believe its offensive. What all of you say here is true, but we name forces by their origins otherwise it becomes too confusing. No matter good Americans, and there are many, the majority allow the neocon agenda, thus it is American. That's the bitter pill of mass servitude. My country rarely represents my views, but they will be South African actions on the global stage. That said, salutes to everyone who commits to action against dystopia, and strives to save Russian and Ukrainian lives.

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Isn't it basically the NAZIs, who re-branded themselves as The American Deep State at the end of WWII, with the help of Sullivan & Cromwell and other NAZI sympathizers on Wall Street?!

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I would use the term western, corporate, Davos elite. That is who controls and runs Biden and every other western leader.

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Disagree. If you can name them, they're nobodies, not shot callers.

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That complaint sounds like blame deflection and damage control to limit guilt only to a single political faction (the Neoconservatives) in the USA--as opposed to the American Empire and its capitalist system as a whole.

It's also hypocritical and self-serving to the core.

Americans have been demonizing foreign nations and religions as enemies for a very long time.

For instance, during the USA's War of Terrorism, the USA demonized Iraq, Iran, and North Korea as an "Axis of Evil." Or they would vilify Islam as a "IslamoFascists."

Before that, during the First Cold War, the USA tarred the Soviet Union as the "Evil Empire."

Now, in the "New" Cold War, the USA is either demonizing Russia or China with a quasi-official ideology of Russophobia or Sinophobia--or both. The USA has even vilified Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua as a "Troika of Tyranny."

But when the USA is slightly criticized, all the snowflakes start crying about how the USA is being unfairly called out.

There is no greater snowflake on this planet than an American snowflake, who loves to vilify other nations at the drop of the hat, but then plays the victim when they are subject to criticism themselves.

The United Snowflakes of America desperately needs its safe space....

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The USA was building its empire even before the Federal Reserve and WW1; you can start with the stripping of the Spanish Empire's assets including the Philippines (where a large number of the population was killed for resisting US imperialism). Neo-liberalism and the neocons are the accumulation of US exceptionalism - the Monroe doctrine was never benevolent; it was a means to roll out the US sphere of influence. Can the US jettison it's baggage - my opinion is no, not while the USA continues.

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You completely missed the point of my post. You’re just running with your programming into never never land.

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No, I got your point--and it's a hypocritical and disingenuous one.

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You just don’t understand the difference between the American people and the “neocons” who are pulling the strings of power. There’s no relation between the two and you’re projecting your hate into the wrong group. Not too bright. That’s exactly how they get the mindless to suicide themselves in Ukraine.

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Whining about "hate" sounds like something that Woke people and snowflakes always cry about. It's a tactic when you don't have an argument.

The USA has been at war for the majority of its history--long before the "Neocons" even existed.

Even the US Government's Congressional Research Service has admitted that the USA has waged over 400 military interventions since 1789! That is the 18th Century. And it only includes official military interventions--and not covert military interventions.

All this Necon rhetoric is damage control to alibi for the American Empire as a whole and its wars.

The Necons aren't the fundamental cause of these wars. They are the symptom. The problem goes much deeper than them and ultimately involves the militaristic nature of America's socio-economic system.

Truth be told, war is the lifeblood of the American way of life.

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You are making the case yourself for “hate”. All due to your programming and projection onto the wrong people. You’re just as bad and useless as the woke and snowflakes.

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Yes Neocon Nazis, Neolib Nazis, Femi-Nazis and Zio-Nazis are all in cahoots trying to hang on to the hegemonic "Rules Based International Order" bullshit.

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I would say yes "the Americans" because they are supposed to keep their government in check and if let the front facia politicians continue to be puppets of the neocons then they deserve what is coming to them. Remember when some of the founders of the nation, Jefferson and others stated that is is the job of the people to reinstitute a government if the one currently in power overreaches its power. The people of the USA are o blame for doing nothing.

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That’s every country’s problem where the people don’t keep their gov in check. Every single eu country is in the same boat. But blaming everything on the people is projecting onto the wrong group and accomplishes nothing except to vent hate.

The American people are not directly responsible for the Ukrainian war. That was done by the neocons and the people were never consulted because they wouldn’t go along with it. At this point the mindless who cheerlead the USG supporting Ukraine in this war are just useful idiots but they didn’t start this war. The neocons did and have been at it since their attempted coup against Yeltsin failed. All documented in this book.


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As usual, I'm left eagerly awaiting your next piece.

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My view, expressed many times elsewhere, is that delay is not working in Russias favour. It allows time and space for Ukraine and its NATO allies to re-arm, re-organise, mobilise and escalate - which is now coming close to boots on the ground and a shooting war between NATO and Russia. The longer this goes on, the more politically and emotionally invested the west becomes.

Now Aleks may be correct that de facto Ukraine has been abandoned, but my take is not yet. Western decision makers genuinely believe IMHO that the Russian military is near collapse, and its political system is unstable. A few more provocations, Twitter victories and the fear of NATO might collapse the Putin regime? And I would like a Unicorn from Santa Claus.

The longer this goes on, the more chance that the lunatics running western governments will make a fatal miscalculation. Before the war/smo, NATO ran around 100 wargames simulating a NATO vs Russia fight over the Ukraine. Every game ended in MAD. There are risls and costs securing a quick Russian victory, but also in not doing so. And those costs and risks depend on the unstable western leaders reading the situation correctly. And I don't think they do.

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VP is a very good businessman (like Trump, let's make ''deals'', both conservative), but problem he is a terrible military expert and was/is surrounded by bad intel agencies advices.

The grinding 'war' is not by choice but due to failures. First fake fsb advices about 'let's take Kiev' with 18k men... we corrupted some generals it will be easy. Then starting a 'war' with the intention to negociate after a few weeks is beyond ridiculous. Either you start a war to win it asap, or you stay home. Russia lost to date 1 trillion usd +- due to these mistakes ( 350 B stolen reserves, natgas markets lost forever in Europe) and other minerals and products exports to the EU UK even US, made in Russia. It is wrong to believe that the Global South will replace Europe(ok maybe in 15/20 years), but Russia will have ceased to exist before. Like Alex says, this must be finished before the end of 2023.But it won't, as Russia would need at least(very least 500k new mobiks if not 1 million?). Not all of course on the front in combat duties (1/3 1/3 1/3), but to occupy 404(without the Western part, mainly Galicia), you need a lot of 'police', anti terrorist people(trained), logistics and admin people to clean up the all nazi Bandera admin including destroying all sbu agents(80k) and remaining military heads. Be sure that there will be terrorists activists for dozen of years(even in Donbass and in Crimea), but zero new oblast will be 'terror free' for a long time. VP is NOT going to mobilize so many men as it would collapse a good part of the RU manpower which is really needed as unemployment is very low(almost zero in big cities, 3.2 % in other areas which means quasi full employment). Odessa + Nikolaev are now absolute MUST for Russia (see today event) simply for security reasons now. Kharkov became another 'must' since attacks in Belgorod etc...in fact even Kiev is a now a temporary must(at least regime change). It is impossible for Russia to reach these objectives in 2023 even in 2024.

One solution remaining: to finaly decapitate the Junta by force even (sorry) killing hundreds or thousands 'civilians' as collateral damages(ukies are killing civilian Russians on a daily basis for 9 years). This action will kill 'the head' of the regime which will in a few days(weeks maximum) collapse the all 404 project. More geran or kalibr will never reach this objective and to 'take Kiev' at least 250/300k men are needed(we don't have them).

I was supporter of the SMO concept till lately but we now have a terrorist state as neighbour, it must be destroyed like we destroyed ISIS + Al nusra and co in Syria (eventhough it was a partial victory as well). The combined West is not afraid of RU anymore, it is very dangerous for all parties. They really used to be scared (during a few weeks in 2022) but when RF left Kiev surrounding believe me they are going for broke they(politicos + msm) invested far too much credibility and money in this war. There were never some 'big plan' from VP to slowly collapse EU economy(it will take years as they can QE print as much eur/usd they want). Inflation stats, energy prices are lower than ever (except for big industries), everything is faked. Though life in the West is almost 100 % normal(govts and EU Nato) are creating more debts ponzy to bailout citizenry true but who cares?. Flights are fully booked for the holidays as never before. Nobody cares about 404 or Russia except journos and politicos. All people I know don't care about smo, 404, they switch tv channels when they hear 'today in Ukraine', they don't follow the news anymore, nobody cares. Very confortable situation for Westies indeed though don't expect an 'anti war' movt' à la Vietnam, or anything( new regimes after elections).It will not happen. But if the war goes into Europe believe me these people have no corones, they are cowards only good at statements, twitter war.. they will NOT fight for 404, nobody. Body bags (military) will return to nato capitals, economy will collapse, stocks could lose up to 60%(GS) etc...US neocons pretty don't care about we Europeans'(even less about 404). They will not hesitate a single minute to go to WWIII as they wrongly believe(?) VP is weak, moderate he will never retaliate and will capitulate.It does not matter if true or not, the problem for us is that they REALLY believe it. Poor brits warmongers don't realize that yankees will sacrifice them as well(Biden hates the UK, see Wallace out of Nato candidacy, he will resign after the humiliation).I think the war if Russia does not upgrade his grinding to real fast war, will last years maybe 50 years I agree on this with Mark Sleboda(since Maidan) on this pessimistic prono(unfortunately). It will finish (if ever) as Syria 2.0: no win, no lose. Or Koreas with DMZ.

It is too late for Russia, mistake was from day one, the concept of SMO, slow war kill far more people eventhough ukie military is severly destroyed for a generation at least.

Sorry for my bad English it is only my third language( Dutch and French otherwise, even Brazilian PT).

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According to Larry Johnson, besides the call up of 3k reservists a concurrent decision had been made c (not yet publicly announced) to ship 3 armored brigades (15K regular army) to Europe. If this is true then they probably won't announce anything until their equipment reaches Europe and the troops are forming up for transport.

And nobody seems to talk about the 3k troops that are supposedly being "rotated" out by the reservists. Where are they going... or are they all volunteering to stay and learn Polish ?

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My understanding - which may be wrong - is that the 3,000 reservists were going to eastern NATO to provide logistical support - to what? 3 armoured brigades would make sense. To what end? A shooting war? More likely to increase a NATO threat posture to try to face down Russia and compel a cease fire? ie agree a ceasefire now or risk a real war....

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I remains to be very interesting.

I'll publish later an interview about that and other topics.

(Crimean Bridge bombing etc.)

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Thank You, again Aleks for thoughtul and detailed analysis.

I really do wonder about the US. The imperial courtiers need to be replaced for incompetence. They are horrible human-monstors, too, but they are very bad kinds of incompetent and counter-productive for even the parasitic "owners".

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Yes... I see some kind of deep crisis in the USA. And that's very dangerous.

Not in the public political sector (front office). But in the background. The Oligarchs and the Deep State seem to be in an internal struggle. That's very very dangerous. For the world in general and for your Americans in particular.

I hope/pray for the best possible outcome for the world and the American people as well.

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The sooner the USG collapses the better for all.

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I am hoping that when the deadlock breaks the "rationalists" will be holding the upper hand, but I don't know. It may be premature for an actual capitulation among the controlling oligarchic faction. It seems like their crisis will be when there iis a real alternative to the $US and countries default on debt to trade within BRICS+/SCO/etc.

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❤️Wage Peace,

⭐️Keep the Faith,


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For your reading pleasure along the same lines. Funny thing, the graphic at the head.

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Another great piece.

"If the Ukrainian war is existential for the US hegemony"

Too late - US Hegemony ended - 2016 is my estimate - about the time of MAGAgain.

"One of the reasons I have pointed out in detail numerous times. The people in charge of the US don’t want the world, and thereby their power, to end."

Ditto. What they don't want is for the voters to realise it is over.

US (and European) politics has long ignored the real world. It lives in teh Perceived worlds it creates for voters.

"I did not expect such scenarios within the next 4-5 years. But things seem to accelerate recently."

Me neither - which is why I felt US plicies were so crazy for so long.

But an already defeated state in denial - that as a theory explains the world so much better.

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This and a few other Americans know. At one time I didn't know. Back then I was a Neocon Dupe myself. When I realize realized my error I had an existential crisis and looked at a tearful man in my mirror. I realized I was propagandized and duped. I repented and am working on redemption by doing as much damage to these lying, corrupt, cheating, rent seeking reprobates as I can. I'm also doing all I can to prepare for the impending collapse of crumbling America.

Many have left but I'm captive here. I'm old, on government pensions and need my medical benefits. I'm too old to learn another language again.

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I am disabled, on Social Security and my pensions. There is no way I could collect them in Russia. Most people don't realize that the US never eased all of those Cold War rules. Of course, they have only made them worse. If I could have any dream right now, it would be to get the hell off the sinking, corrupt western ship and live my life out in Russia. It's the last bastion of sanity in the world.

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Jul 17, 2023
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I think the USA debit/credit cards won’t work in Russia.

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At least you got wise. Too many people double down, rather than admit that they were rooked.

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I would like it if you would address the topic of how Russia will punish all those who sent weapons to Ukraine without Russia's consent, such as Slovenia and other countries that sent tanks and transporters as if they violated the agreement. Namely, weapons cannot be sent without the consent of the manufacturer.

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I tend to agree with Andrei Martyanov.

He says that the victors of the current struggle will set up tribunals in the former Ukraine.

Everything will be put on the table.

War crimes of the West will most likely be prosecuted in absence. As long as the criminals do not accept their sentence they will have major restrictions in the emerging world order because I assume that the tribunals will be accepted by the emerging world.

These bodies do not exist yet but as far as one can judge they are in creation currently.

Similar to the Jalta conference between the victors (to be) in WW2.

Who knows.

We'll see.

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Things have seemed to come to a head before - we shall see if they pan out.

That things would likely become disastrous if this goes on to next year is both sobering but expected. Even professional tennis players can only keep a rally going for so long.

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I like your reference to Djokovic haha :)

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An Hero!!!!

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Thank you. A very interesting discussion on the ‘firing’ of the general is by Dima on Military Channel. It is worth listening to 😎 https://youtu.be/ch-sKBSOcUA

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Thanks for sharing :) I did ;)

Everything is possible...

We'll see.

I'll discuss the issue today with Scott Ritter and Mike Mihajlovic and I'll release it tomorrow on BMA and YouTube.

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Great! Thank you - it is indeed - everything is possible and nothing is 😎

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As several readers has pointed out, I wouldn’t say the Americans either, but the Anglo Oligarchs, which have been destroying the rest of humankind for the last five centuries. Arguably we could also say Anglo-Zionist Oligarchs, although the Zionist control I would say is more recent.

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Of course, no worries.

I answered that question in the other comment.

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If I may... a very "interesting" end summer/fall is approaching...

Sidewide... I just read a scary piece from a vaccine expert (one of the institutional ones, Geert Vanden Bossche) about a possible late summer/early fall recrudescence... this time very heavy on vaccined people...


So... WTF is going to happen?

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A number of commanders have been dismissed the past week or two. It's possible there was a clearing out as result of the Wagner situation. But Russia plays good chess so there could be a rearrangement of personnel according to a new plan of attack, maybe from the north-east where a lot of troops were sent during the border provocations, more than was necessary. Plus Wagners are in the north. I don't know if its possible now but Odessa and Transnistria must always be on Russian minds. We need to kick the corpse of the grain deal to see if its dead or only pretending.

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Yes, there are a lot of rumors. I try to track them.

We will see what is going to develop.

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Kudos on your Erdogan opinion. He, like other non-Western countries, will despise being under the thumb of the USA. He plays the geopolitical game well. Sure, he may slip, but dictators are mostly adept. Personally, I'm hoping for that 'friendship' with Russia because it may be the only way to save Armenia.

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Well, there goes the Black Sea Grain Deal for now. Its like Putin admonishing Erdogan. I posted about it, though its not a topic anyone but the few of us care about. But it's still a major deal until more trade routes are figured out. Nevertheless, its in the interests of most parties to make a better contract.

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The IRR callup of 3000 is to support 80k to be stationed in Germany and Poland. That's a lot of brigades.

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I'll discuss that later with Mike Mihajlovic and Scott Ritter.

I'll publish that later on BMA.

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Thank you-Aleks For Sharing!

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Thanks, Juan!

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