The FED will hike to ever higher rates as soon as the "trust" in the Dollar starts to collapse. Which of course is not "trust" but fear of being destroyed economically, militarily or by "soft-power" of the USA. That will start when Ukraine falls.
We live very interesting times.... I wish to see just two months in advance... :)
If I may... I have myself my own little firm with about 25 employees, like a big family for me, and being unable to see my and their future is something I dread...
I'm simply scared, not only for me but for them and their families too.
They trusted and trust me to take every time the right decision, but.. I am intimately scared to fail them.
Being proactive... yes, maybe in "normal times"... but with these black swans everywhere???
Your alumni... how they cope with the impossibility to have a proper workflow program?
Well.. I should put now my business consultant hat on, right? :D
I think the following applies for ALL European companies. The smaller they are the more important it is.
You should start now developing abilities to switch your business model as fast as possible. You should not switch it but you should be able if need comes to be as flexible as possible.
Which means that you should start now to look out for other products, industry sectors and markets that you could realize with your current set of employees and machines. And prepare strategies, business models (Business Model Canvas for starters?) and market analysis. Talk with potential future customers to get to know them.
Products of basic needs will be important and products for the defense industry. You don't need to think about lethal goods for the defense industry. You can think of field kitchens, field washing machines etc. Auxiliary goods.
You should not inform your employees about your background activities as long as you don't see hard evidence, that your current business model and markets would start to break away. To not cause panic.
Maybe you are already in a market/industry sector where you and your enterprise is save for what could potentially come? I don't know.
That is called "Risk Management" and I targeted it specifically for the case IF and when the Western currencies start to explode. When importing basic goods from BRICS and SCO will be almost impossible because your currency is not worth the paper it is printed on it, etc.
This does not need to happen. But in the worst case scenario is COULD happen. Please do not panic. Wait, drink tea and prepare contingency plans as advised. Then you should not be surprised by sudden events. (This is only a small part of Risk Management. You should dig deeper into it to make yourself as resilient as possible against external shocks.)
I wish you, your family and your employees all the best and let's hope and pray that nothing bad will happen.
Yes, my friends joke on me like the guy with a lot of plans... a,b,... up to z...
One of my customer is one of the biggest and most famous maker of wool high end suits... the ones maybe You use.
I talked with one friend working inside them and they have a risk management commission (imagine that!) and they are anyway still seeing green lights everywhere.
Two worlds apart... It's me the fool or them blind?
I am the guy who bought one year ago 100 Kw of second hand lithium batteries to make a super cheap battery power wall (a wall indeed) for my own home to be filled with photovoltaic panels... just in case the net would fall.
And I'm still waiting my electricians would find the time to connect them as I need... after one year!
Another problem, maybe common?
Tech people in such short availability, You have to simply wait.
And They speak of resilience... what a joke!
I started worrying in 2011 and it is an illness you never cure... :) Like the famous red pill.
So much time thinking about being like Dr. Jeckill and Mr. Hide, like living two different lives together, the normal daily one and the "other" one thinking proactively how to survive something You don't want to live...
The metaphor of the fool of the village I usually use... I prefer being the fool in a village that is prosper than being the sage who saw further, living better than the others but in a disastred village...
My firm is only a small drop in that fashion textile industry... so only available easy change would be textiles for uniforms...
I wish You the same... because I really believe that we are all together in this messy situation.
The ones with brain to understand what's going on...
Sometimes anyway I envy the sheeples, as I call them... it's worse to see a danger and anyway don't being able to escape it than being caught by surprise...
If I may suggest.. look at this:
The FED will hike to ever higher rates as soon as the "trust" in the Dollar starts to collapse. Which of course is not "trust" but fear of being destroyed economically, militarily or by "soft-power" of the USA. That will start when Ukraine falls.
I will do my own piece/program about that.
We live very interesting times.... I wish to see just two months in advance... :)
If I may... I have myself my own little firm with about 25 employees, like a big family for me, and being unable to see my and their future is something I dread...
I'm simply scared, not only for me but for them and their families too.
They trusted and trust me to take every time the right decision, but.. I am intimately scared to fail them.
Being proactive... yes, maybe in "normal times"... but with these black swans everywhere???
Your alumni... how they cope with the impossibility to have a proper workflow program?
I understand how you feel :)
Well.. I should put now my business consultant hat on, right? :D
I think the following applies for ALL European companies. The smaller they are the more important it is.
You should start now developing abilities to switch your business model as fast as possible. You should not switch it but you should be able if need comes to be as flexible as possible.
Which means that you should start now to look out for other products, industry sectors and markets that you could realize with your current set of employees and machines. And prepare strategies, business models (Business Model Canvas for starters?) and market analysis. Talk with potential future customers to get to know them.
Products of basic needs will be important and products for the defense industry. You don't need to think about lethal goods for the defense industry. You can think of field kitchens, field washing machines etc. Auxiliary goods.
You should not inform your employees about your background activities as long as you don't see hard evidence, that your current business model and markets would start to break away. To not cause panic.
Maybe you are already in a market/industry sector where you and your enterprise is save for what could potentially come? I don't know.
That is called "Risk Management" and I targeted it specifically for the case IF and when the Western currencies start to explode. When importing basic goods from BRICS and SCO will be almost impossible because your currency is not worth the paper it is printed on it, etc.
This does not need to happen. But in the worst case scenario is COULD happen. Please do not panic. Wait, drink tea and prepare contingency plans as advised. Then you should not be surprised by sudden events. (This is only a small part of Risk Management. You should dig deeper into it to make yourself as resilient as possible against external shocks.)
I wish you, your family and your employees all the best and let's hope and pray that nothing bad will happen.
I thank You from my heart Sir.
Yes, my friends joke on me like the guy with a lot of plans... a,b,... up to z...
One of my customer is one of the biggest and most famous maker of wool high end suits... the ones maybe You use.
I talked with one friend working inside them and they have a risk management commission (imagine that!) and they are anyway still seeing green lights everywhere.
Two worlds apart... It's me the fool or them blind?
I am the guy who bought one year ago 100 Kw of second hand lithium batteries to make a super cheap battery power wall (a wall indeed) for my own home to be filled with photovoltaic panels... just in case the net would fall.
And I'm still waiting my electricians would find the time to connect them as I need... after one year!
Another problem, maybe common?
Tech people in such short availability, You have to simply wait.
And They speak of resilience... what a joke!
I started worrying in 2011 and it is an illness you never cure... :) Like the famous red pill.
So much time thinking about being like Dr. Jeckill and Mr. Hide, like living two different lives together, the normal daily one and the "other" one thinking proactively how to survive something You don't want to live...
The metaphor of the fool of the village I usually use... I prefer being the fool in a village that is prosper than being the sage who saw further, living better than the others but in a disastred village...
My firm is only a small drop in that fashion textile industry... so only available easy change would be textiles for uniforms...
I wish You the same... because I really believe that we are all together in this messy situation.
The ones with brain to understand what's going on...
Sometimes anyway I envy the sheeples, as I call them... it's worse to see a danger and anyway don't being able to escape it than being caught by surprise...