Jul 14Liked by Aleks

Very good to hear your thoughts. I was quite disappointed reading zero hedge to see how any rational questioning was shot down by over emotional pitchfork people when questions need to be asked. Why did the body guards stand up tall with Trump while he raised his fist? How did the Know there wasn't another shooter? Did they not have drone surveillance as well? This is the most likely human in the world to have an assassination attempt made against him. Seems like American security apparatus are either totally retarded or they wanted him to get hit.

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If "the usual suspects"(™) were involved, the SS detail was compromised. Perhaps RFK jr. should be GLAD that the Biden administration has blocked the secret service from providing him a security detail?

I have been shooting rifles for about 55 years. Much of my time has been spent with scoped "long range" rifles, though not in a military setting. Aleks brings up all the points that immediately came to my mind- If the person alleged to be the shooter actually did this thing, and it wasn't a set up where he was allowed to pre position himself, he spent some time on rifle practice and physical conditioning. Unless he lived as a hermit in a cave up in the PA mountains, others will have at least observed his training, probably some few.

I await whatever details time (and the fairly worthless MSM authorized story) provide.

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The photos I saw of this skinny nerdy guy is he looks like one of the computer repair techs at Best Buy.

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18 YO HS boy pics may not be how he looked @ 20 YO.

Also, pulling a trigger does not require a bodybuilder phisique. I was 2nd to smallest in my class until well into HS, but probably the best shot (regularly won at the school rifle club from 8 to 18).

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The Ivo Jima photo is too perfect.

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I’ve come to expect that on the Hedge…the comedy is gold though!

Seriously though, there is quite a bit here that does not pass the smell test.

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Pat, the drone absence struck me as well. Gilbert Doctorow mentioned it in his interview with Iranian TV. It's a shocking dereliction - and puts us in the malice/incompetence/both territory AGAIN.

Imagine if Kennedy had survived the assassination in 1963. I think the Warren Commission might have had a different outcome. We'll see.

In any case, Trump had better pick a Spiro T. Agnew type as VP, someone who'll scare them even more than he does.

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Now the question arises as to the identity of the dead suicide-assassin: https://www.caclubindia.com/assets/maxwell-yearick/

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Too many photos of the suspect and all of them look like different guys.

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And it's been confirmed that the shooter was in a Blackrock commercial which was filmed in his high school a couple of years ago. Blackrock has pulled the ad. Hey, I thought there was no such thing as Bad Publicity?

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More surprising is that the great secret service of the USA couldn't afford a $90 drone to, you know, scout the skies. Couldn't be more of a deliberate deep state job than JFK and the bendy bullet.

USA is a cancer on itself and the world. With paralysed Biden giving the whole world the greatest belly laughs in years to Trump's miraculous survival, what more can we expect from tinsel country in the next few days?

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It seems like they had the shooter in their sights already, but were awaiting instructions...

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@Eoin Clancy

Sadly, what I expect is a civil war. Not a laugh fest fake insurrection like the January 6th event, the real deal with a body count & likely leading to the balkanization of the USA. Which may well have been the intent of whoever organized this provocation.

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Pretty much what you'd expect when criminals run government and you have an armed population. What the US criminal state wants to do to Russia, China, and India,- break them up is likely going to occur in the ungovernable US.

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You reap what you sow. It's high time for some blowback. Peddling a false ideology that America is the exceptional saviour and policeman of the world and a force for good - whilst exactly the opposite is true - is bound to unhinge the faithful when they finally see the truth. Oh well, Rage against the Machine says it best!

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Trump is just another exceptionalist - his presidency won't make a difference, if he gets there. Biden or whoever, well that's more of the same.

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I am in complete agreement. I can't wait until December. At least the circus would have run its course. The democratic puppet show for the masses proudly sponsored by their handlers. Hocus pocus POTUS.

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Same. I think it would last for years, like Afghanistan or Iraq.

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So let's just not START it, eh?

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You are wrong about the distance, its was about 130 meters.

Which makes sense, the weapon is said to be an AR15, and 300m with an AR15 for a head-shot is very difficult. 130m though with a well adjusted scope is just doable.

Notice how nobody is talking about Biden's mental state today?

Agree with the sloppy job of the security forces.

Oh, btw: This was a suicide job, there is no way he could have gotten away with this.

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@The Causal Observer

At one time I used an AR 15 variant designed & built for longer range work, a Bushmaster Varminter. 24" heavy stainless steel barrel, match chamber, picatinny rail machined into top of upper receiver which was a bit heavier/thicker than standard. With a 6-24X55mm target scope on it and a folding bipod, the lower used also had a match type trigger pack. A 300m headshot sized target was not "very difficult" with that rig, it was designed for shooting prairie dogs at 300m or FARTHER.

And all up with a loaded 20 round magazine, that outfit weighed over 12 lb. Which is quite heavy for carrying in the field (or running up a flight of stairs with & etc.). One of the reasons it went off to a new owner.

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I know, with rifles just about anything can be done and is being done. But rifles like you describe are not common. Most stock AR15 will be hard pressed to shoot within 2 MOA at 100 yards, even without the shooter adding to that.

I think I know why you sold it, an AR15 thus upgraded, no thanks... wrong platform.

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@The Causal Observer

A semi automatic rifle set up for long range use has only a few actual uses. Military, designated marksman.

Pest control, removing whole droves of feral pigs/packs of coyotes/prairie dog towns & etc..

I don't have to deal with such things and I would never travel just to do them, I don't LIKE killing things, it is just something I need to do occasionally.

Such rifles ARE great fun on a range with reactive targets, of course- See here:


If one really wants accuracy, a bolt action is intrinsically easier to tune & less fussy about ammunition, that is where I went instead.

I later repeated the experiment with a 6.5mm Creedmoor AR 10 variant, it lead to the same conclusion: A 14 lb. + rifle with a full magazine, scope & bipod which was rather accurate, could be entertaining on a range but had no practical applications in my life while hurting to carry and costing a lot to feed.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

Sir.. I read about a. 22 not a. 223, and not experienced enough to judge from the noise... but the ear lobe photo seems more a .22 that a .223.

Not that this could change anything for the target...

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"And I’m in full horror of the second largest nuclear power sliding down the path into a banana republic. That should worry all of us."

No - this happened some time ago already. Economically 2015 at latest. Democratically long earlier. MAGA is a 2016 slogan and Trump got elected because he openly said the unsaid.

What we are seeing is the conclusion of the collapse, not the beginning, and there are a lot of angry actors out there that know this and are swinging wildly because of it.

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Western countries (mainly anglos but not only) are de facto bankrupted since Lehman in 2008. They did everything possible since then to hide it as long as possible: massive multi trillions QE, war in Libya, then in Syria (pipeline from Qatar to the EU, though attack on RU interests), they created an army of 400k jihadists (al quaeda, al nusra, ISIS etc..), it was also to please Greater Israel project now in tatters. Then came the Maidan coup in Kiev which leads later to the actual WWIII. Then on to the Euro crisis via Greece. Trump saved us 4 years without any war, eventhough he provided weapons to Ukraine because he was very weak and surrounded by neocons aka gop neocons (Pompeo, Bolton..).He tried to clean the Deep State which = the dem's State, without success. They destroyed him with MI6 russiagate plot(behind Soros, Hillary etc..). A total hoax, proven 6 years later. Then they launched the bio weapon attack on China and then the World as plausible deniability but the Chinese reacted smoothly and fast it did not work, it was supposed to kill millions and bankrupt China to then blackmail them. Covid was launched during the military games in...Wuhan at the end (nov?) of 2019, then spread. Goal was in 2020 to defeat Trump but he probably won the vote but during the night they faked the result entering millions of 'by mail' or 'electronic' fake Biden ballots, millions of aliens (chicanos mainly) voted without even holding US nationality or in some states people voted multiple times in same or sometime in two states. Then Deep State prepared the war, they waited a bit, in sept 21 Nuland went to Moscow to ask VVP capitulation in exchange for no sanctions, of course after a violent exchange Moscow refused, in oct 21 they sent Burns who was a little bit more diplomatic but he came with the same demands. RU then provided Nato, US with a proposition for a new security treaty in Europe, they denied it as they decided this war years ago even before 2008. Then UK clown show went to Moscow (L Truz, Wallace, Bojo)..same blackmail, same answer. We all know the rest of the story: SMO, NS sabotage, Bojo came to Kiev after Bucha FF, Nato involvment since then, failed 'counter offensive' etc etc...then they switched to plan B (terrorism, Crocus, strikes in RU, Crimea etc...). Followed the WWIII team, 7th of oct when another smaller 9/11 happened in Gaza. They killed then the PT of Iran, tried to kill Fico and Orban at the Euro football(failed one German motorbike driver killed).

I'm afraid they will go on to try to kill VVP (as Budanov head of gestapo sbu said yesterday) and or a first strike on Moscow next?

Desperate people take crazy decisions even more now as Trump is almost sure to win potus 24 (if not killed before of course) or if they don't replace Sleepy Joe?

If you have a few minutes take a look at this video from...2010?

In January 2010, we received 11 pages of information from an insider who was physically present at a meeting of Senior Masons in the City of London in 2005. What was discussed is chilling to the bone.What our source reports is this:

* There is a planned Third World War, which will be nuclear and biological. Our source believes that this is on track to be initiated within the next 18-24 months (did not happen yet).

* It is planned to begin with a strike by Israel on Iran. Either Iran or China will be provoked into a nuclear response. After a brief nuclear exchange, there will be a ceasefire. The world will be thrown into fear and chaos - all carefully engineered.

* The extreme state of tension will be used to justify heavy social and military controls in all western first world nations. Plans are already in place for that.

* During the nuclear ceasefire, there is planned to be a covert release of biological weapons (covid). These will initially be targeted against the Chinese. As our source chillingly told us, "China will catch a cold". Biological warfare will spread further, to the west. Infrastructure will be critically weakened.

* This is intended to be just the beginning. After this, a full nuclear exchange would be triggered: the "real" war, with widespread destruction and loss of life. Our source tells us that the planned population reduction through these combined means is 50%. He heard this figure stated in the meeting.

This horrific scenario has been planned for generations. The first two world wars were part of the set-up for this final apocalypse - as is the centralization of financial resources that was precipitated with the equally well-planned financial collapse of October 2008.

I asked the question to our source: If there's an expected catastrophe, then why initiate a Third World War? His answer, for the first time to me, made terrible sense.

The real goal, he explained, is to set up the post-catastrophic world. To ensure that this "New World" [note the term] is the one the controllers want, totalitarian control structures need to be in place when the catastrophe occurs - with an excuse that the populace will accept and demand them. Martial law in the right, carefully chosen countries before the catastrophe occurs will enable the "right" people to survive and prosper in the post-catastrophic world, and the beginning of the next 11,500 year cycle. What may have been carefully planned on a covert global scale (fake global warming, climate change), for the last several generations, is nothing less than who will inherit the Earth.

Who are the "right" people? The white Caucasians. This may be why the name of this project is The Anglo-Saxon Mission. Hence the justification for the planned genocide of the Chinese people - so that the New World is inherited by "us", not "them".

Our source was not informed about the planned fate of the second and third world countries such as those in South America, Africa and Asia. But he presumes that these would be allowed to fend for themselves and probably not survive well - or maybe not at all. The totalitarian military governments of the western, white, people are set to be the inheritors.

This is a plan so evil, so racist, so diabolical, so huge, that it almost defies belief. But it all aligns with what many commentators, researchers and whistleblowing insiders have been identifying for some years now. For me personally, it's the clearest picture yet of why the world is the way it is, and why the secrets are protected so fiercely: it may be all about racial supremacy. The Fourth Reich is alive and well.

Astonishingly, our source was not pessimistic. He stressed, as do we and many others, that consciousness is awakening rapidly all over the planet and that THESE PLANNED EVENTS ARE NOT INEVITABLE. If ever there was a reason to work closely together to raise awareness of the real threat to us all, this is it.

Watch this video, listen carefully to the strong message of hope and encouragement, and spread it far and wide. We stand for the potential magnificence of a united humanity that knows no racial boundaries or distinctions. Whether or not the catastrophe occurs - and many, including ourselves, maintain that it will not - we must co-create our own future, claim our power, and do whatever we can to alert people to the dangers around us... so that we can be stronger together, for the sake of our descendants and for the heritage of all living beings on Planet Earth.

nb: some parts are a little bit 'conspiracy', true; but they had incredible informations...in 2010 how is it possible to know about covid against China, Iran, Gaza, Israel, WWIII etc...just one thing was missing the most important: Russia as Russia was in 2005 still on ''the right side of history for them' though no mention of Maidan even less SMO...


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Had me for a bit.. but the whites will NOT inherit, they are well on the way to being genocid-ed by the 'vax'. Fertility plummeting, deaths in young people of all ages, esp. child bearing ages, turbo cancers etc etc. Won't be many left in Europe OR America. So, no. Not the whites. Now there ARE other 'white' who are not 'white' if you know what I mean... they will likely survive... or possibly not. Since, they are prone to miscalculation and have likely missed out a few details. And you know what? The Devil is in the Details... And paraphrasing it for you When Shiva Dances the World ends (substitue G.O.D. for Shiva..)

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Very interesting, I have assumed the same scenario, especially the involvement of freemasons who have been meddling in and controlling geopolitics since the 1700's Amazing how they have most people believing they are harmless old men doing funny things but no harm. I see a strong satanic element in what is unfolding and assume that the cabal is making this slow grind of suffering and the coming deaths of billions a big sacrifice to offer to the devil. They believe they will reign with him in hell. People without religion vastly underestimate religious belief and how it goes down through the centuries and how people are governed by very different beliefs to the average godless citizen.

As far as the white supremacy aspect I wouldn't be surprised either. The lords of the world all seem to be white. They hate their fellow man no matter his skin colour. But they want it to be them and their bloodlines in the end. These are the Darwin or Sanger types.

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The Conspiracy theory has a strong proof: There is a widely circulating video (which I cannot attach 😠) of a local, bearded man protesting why nor the police close to him nor secret service agents who were watching HIM with binoculars paid ANY attention to him when he was shouting at them and pointing his left arm towards the rooftop where there he saw a man crawling with a rifle during TWO or THREE minutes he said, totally unable to comprehend WHY they did not do ANYTHING during that VERY LONG period of time or at least, he said, why they did NOT take Trump OFF the Podium !!!

And the shooter, WITH his rifle, was just 50 feet behind him facing Trump...

This man is a KEY witness !!!

Will he be assasinated ???

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Yes I saw the video, all very suspect.

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There were two such witnesses, on interviewed by the BBC, a second I saw on CBS (IIRC).

They'd be well advised to get good life insurance if the actuarials of the eyewitnesses in 1963 is anything to go by.

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It is looking freightening, and your recommendation to them is wise: Jesse from "Jesse on fire" YT channel claims, without full verification yet, that ONE of the Secret Service snipers has said he had the sniper in his sight for more than 2 minutes, but that he had received ORDERS NOT to take him down until he shooted first !!

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

Astonishing if correct.! Should be easy to verify for the Trump team.

Imagine if JFK had survived with a flesh would in 63, I wonder what the Warren Commission (or it's alternative) would have determined about that one?

I'm still amazed that the SS couldn't be arsed to get a $200 drone from Amazon. Took me 10 seconds to find one. One drone and they'd have decent coverage, and two or three, a huge improvement, and ability to scout the rooftops. None of this passes the smell test: either it's a conspiracy or incompetence on a scale that's really frightening. Could be both, but no interpretation of the events is good.

And this is the same country that thinks it can take out Russia, China & Iran, having been ass-whooped by the Taliban 2 years ago.

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Agree 100%.

However, today, with so many people so active thru social networks like this, Substack, YT, X, Instagram, Telegram and so forth, having video evidences (aware some are fake) it is going to be nearly impossible to cover up a Conspiracy like this if confirmed.

I am starting myself to have doubts, because the guy did not have any scape route and there was not a second shooter...

But, as you say, it should be easy for the Republican party to confirm if there are standard orders to NOT take down a sniper until he/she shoots first, which would make the US Secret Service the laughing stock of the Security Services from all over the World.

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And to prove your point - great visual evidence (sorry if I'm reposting, following so many sites now it's hard to keep up) showing the spectators video evidence of the VERY obvious and suspicious shooter.


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My gosh !!!

I had not seen this video (thank you for the link) but I saw the guy who took it being interviewed by the US MSM.

But it deeply disturbes me WHY on earth this guy, instead of concentrating his big EGO on FILMING THE SNIPER (so he would be historically famous) did not RUN himself or send someone to warn any of the many members of the Secret Service to remove Trump from the podium. In the video, I see a woman shouting about the sniper, but doing NOTHING else about it, nor the other bystanders... UNBELIEVABLE !!!

Today, so many people OBSESSED with using their phones (cameras), to SHOW to their friends rather than running to help someone or in this case, SAVE the LIFE of President Trump !!!

What KIND of "society" is this ???

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Sources I've been reading say that the shooter was only 130 metres away. I think it's very strange that police and/or USSS did not post someone on that roof. The BBC have reported that a member of the public alerted police and USSS to the presence of the shooter several minutes before shots were fired, but they seemed to show no interest.

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I think that the message might have gotten lost in transmission. Local LEO was in charge of securing that portion of the outer perimeter, SOP in the Secret Service arrangements. It looks like someone blew coverage.

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130 yards is not “outer perimeter” for this scenario.

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That is why the rooftop sniper sharply angled down his weapon for spotting the sniper.

Secret Service Rules of Engagement are not to fire until the assassin fires first. The politics of that have to be phenomenal. It took the sniper exactly three seconds.

Because Jill and Kamho were in PA on Saturday Secret Service resource allocation was compromised. The sniper team complained about being given only a day to scope the terrain, cf. Susan Crabtree on Twitter for that and more.

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My point is that the outer perimeter of any secured area like this is going to be outside the effective ranges of sniper fire given the particular terrain and structures of the environment. The rules of engagement are not the issue here, but rather that USSS, at best, negligently (at best) allowed a situation to arise that required the ROE to have to be triggered.

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A simple misunderstanding?

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Of course, a simple misunderstanding, we've seen it happen so many times. Anyone could make such a minor mistake totally unpredictably leading to a major consequence, much as happened on 911.

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Joint ops are always the most challenging. Right hand, left hand and "Hey, diddle-diddle, right through the middle"!

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All patsies are dead (and killed AFTER the act). Dead man tell no tales.

I wonder just how much that big old flying American flag over Trump helped the shooter (wind direction, etc).

You are right. Fishy.

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1. The only thing that surprises me is that it took this long for Plan B.

3. Trump will fold after the election, if not before. Trump is weak, stupid and easily manipulated.

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Jul 14Liked by Aleks


It is necessary to understand how the process works in order to avoid a lot of noise. The SS did everything correctly.

The Secret Service works with local law enforcement as part of layered defense, cf. Tim McMillan on Twitter.

1. On the podium

2. In front of the the podium, scanning the crowd.

3. Dispersed throughout the crowd.

4. Rooftop snipers to scan the far perimeter; Notice the downward slope movement of the rooftop sniper's weapon as he takes out the assassin. Perfect job, credits, please.

5. External perimeter (local LEO)

There are two dedicated local LEO to communicate with the SS to avoid chaos. Whoever on the local LEO team was informed by bystanders of someone climbing on the roof likely communicated properly with the message getting lost in the process.. We have a breakdown and failure in the local law enforcement contingent, likely made up from various sources. The how will come out in time.

The Trump SS team repeatedly asked for more resources. DHS refused. DEI female Head of SS had a prior job in charge of protecting potato chips at Pepsi. There will be some changes, come January.

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“ The SS did everything correctly. “

Were you there? How can you possibly state this with certainty?

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They followed their rules. They have had them for years.

You are welcome to disagree with their rules, including the one where the counter sniper team can only shoot after the assassin gets his shot off first, as obvious as that one is.

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You’re jumping to conclusions that are not, as of yet, supported by the evidence. Unless you’re claiming to have insider information. Your haste to exonerate the USSS makes you sound like an apology an agenda.

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No haste but enough process experience. If you want facts you will have to wait to see what actually materializes. Feel free to hold your breath.

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RE "The plan was clearly that President Trump would be dead by now. Since there is a huge machinery behind the organization of such an event, there is clearly a Plan B in place for the case that Plan A fails."

No Plan A, no Plan B, no huge machinery required. Only takes one nutter with a gun, a lucky break, and typical US incompetence.

Until proven otherwise.

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I watched a couple of videos of witnesses saying that they saw the sniper climbing on the roof and warned the police or the security: however no action was taken! To me it looks like a conspiracy to kill Trump.

P.S.: A conspiracy, not a "conspiracy theory"!

Why didn't the police/security take any action, otherwise?

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I just copy my comment written on qtr fringe finance a couple hours ago...

We were all writing about him a couple hours ago and... tada!

I would fire all the USSS security detail asap and hire some really personal guards/pretorians.

Conspiracy I smell... what about the guy/guys trying to warn police and usss about the shooter and being hushed???

Trying to connect dots: leftist Netflix doing an indeed quite good series (the one I mentioned yesterday) on USSS: PR image constructing just in advance?

We are the best in the world... maybe not.

The damn hollywood is just so predictable...

And, more fatalistically... it's only me thinking he's driven/protected from "Some" real above?

Two occasions: the fly on HRC nose...we all remember that (this could have been a Darpa-25-years-in-the-future super miniature drone, ok...) and now the bullet grazing his earlobe???

Hand-Of-God at work... ruining the leftist globalist attempts.

God bless Him!!!

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Who withheld the order to take out the sniper?

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Exactly.. And before who withheld the order to check the guy when the people told that to the police and ss? It seems it wasn't a question of seconds but of minutes.. Ample time to verify and sound the alert... If it was intended to be done.. Sure..

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No one. Read my comment and Secret Service assignments.

Local LEO blew coverage in their area of assignment. The Secret Service rooftop sniper took timely and appropriate action, not the downward slope movement and effective takeout shot.

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what do you mean by the "fly on HRC nose"?

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Sir, You remember the fly molesting Hillary during the debate in 2016? quite a famous image...

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We will have to wait for the dust to settle to know what really happened. It's interesting how there is this drive and demand to decide what one believes as soon as the question arises. Like it makes any difference to anything what a guy like myself in Australia believes about it all! But no! People want to know if you are with Trump or against him, was it a real assassination attempt or an inside job? Global politics and intrigues will move along as they always have. For me, my garden is more important as it will feed me and Trump won't :)

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An American here, so I will be affected by this more or less.

Oddly enough, I spent about 8 hours weeding & maintaining my kitchen vege/herb garden, bracketing the time of this event. With my phone elsewhere on a charger, I didn't want to be interrupted.

I have not turned on the TV news "cycle" and I WON'T. Some time next week I'll check what sources I usually look at & see what the spin being applied and "official" stories are about. Because while whatever really happened at that rally is unknowable to those not involved, the uses to which it is going to be put will be shoved in our faces good and hard.

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Read my comment about Secret Service SOP and failure of local LEO.

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Well said! I should prolly water it this morning as well….

But yeah the tendency for people to immediately select which plastic version of “reality” they subscribe to is a testament to the general brain drain which is ongoing….

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approximately 120-130 meters away (not 300 m) with an ar15

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I read a cal. 22.. Not. 223

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Witneses told that they SAW the sniper climbing on the rooftop with a rifle and told the police about it, but the policemen did nothing!

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

the second largest nuclear power was sliding down the path into a banana republic long long before Trump was shot.

Jeez, take a pill and have a lay down Alec. And everyone else as well.

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